Search results

  1. Nate the Boi

    'Rayquaza-GX vs. Ultra Necrozma-GX Battle Arena Decks' in October!

    They will decrease slightly. The point of these are to provide a "more advanced theme deck" for people that will includesstaple cards that are expensive such as team up Jirachi. I don't know about you but I'm happy about prices for a $30 Rare holo going down. I could really care less about my...
  2. Nate the Boi

    'Rayquaza-GX vs. Ultra Necrozma-GX Battle Arena Decks' in October!

    Holy Shoot. It most likely will be the team up jirachi since its a staple in malamar decks. Should start selling your jirachis now cause the price will go down for sure once this comes out. So glad there are expensive staples includes such as acro bike, giratina, beast energy etc. This is...
  3. Nate the Boi

    Discussion Dark Box Testing Decklist

    Decklist Im testing for the new Dark Box Feel free to add suggestions! 4 Cherish Ball - Search GXs 4 Mysterious Treasure - Search Naganadel 3 Pokemon Communication - Search Sneasel 3 Acro Bike - Discard Energy 4 Custom Catcher - Gusting 4 Lillie 4 Cynthia 1 Hapu - Dig for custom catchers...
  4. Nate the Boi

    PokeBeach’s June 2019 PTCGO Tournament, Sponsored by!

    TABLE 176 Round 7 @Nate the Boi Won 2-1 @Arneboy11 GG
  5. Nate the Boi

    PokeBeach’s June 2019 PTCGO Tournament, Sponsored by!

    Round 6 Table 149 @Nate the Boi Wins over @Brancus 2-1 GG
  6. Nate the Boi

    'Nintendo Switch Lite' Announced: Cheaper and Smaller!

    This was a great idea for people who love the mobile aspect to the switch and their mobile games. People who are complaining about it most likely already have a switch since it is just an inferior version of the original. The marked down price by $100 and the features its lost make it a great...
  7. Nate the Boi

    PokeBeach’s June 2019 PTCGO Tournament, Sponsored by!

    Nate the Boi beat RisingRaichuu 2-1 round 5
  8. Nate the Boi

    'Hidden Fates,' Special Set Releasing in America This August!

    Wow this is probably the most expensive side set! Collectors are gonna go crazy.
  9. Nate the Boi

    'Remix Bout,' Japan's July Set!

    Absolutely love the alternate art trainer cards. Hopefully we'll get them as a league promo like we usually do. That welder and acro bike would be sick!
  10. Nate the Boi

    PokeBeach’s June 2019 PTCGO Tournament, Sponsored by!

    Round 2 @Nate the Boi defeats @Zehuun 2-1
  11. Nate the Boi

    PokeBeach’s June 2019 PTCGO Tournament, Sponsored by!

    Table 13 @Nate the Boi defeats @abqw112 2-1
  12. Nate the Boi

    PokeBeach’s June 2019 PTCGO Tournament, Sponsored by!

    Did you read this entire post, including all the new prize information, the info about international prize winners, and all the other disclaimers, terms, rules, and conditions? Yes Are you a PokeBeach premium member? No What is your PTCGO screen name? Astrocougarman What...
  13. Nate the Boi

    News First 'The Best of XY' News, Reprinted Cards

    Am I the only one waiting for them to put shaymin in it?
  14. Nate the Boi

    PokeBeach's April 2017 PTCGO Tournament, Sponsored by!

    Are you a PokeBeach premium member? No What is your PTCGO screen name? Astrocougarman What timezone do you live in? EST Did you play in March’s tournament? No Did you make at least three non-tournament posts on PokeBeach in March? No If you did not, do you promise to do that this month? YES