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  1. S

    SM9 'Tag Volt,' Japan's December Set!

    busted card. especially in expanded with sky field
  2. S

    PokeBeach’s December 2018 PTCGO Tournament, Sponsored by!

    Are you a PokeBeach premium member? Yes What is your PTCGO screen name? STINGREA7 What time zone do you live in? CST Did you play in last month’s tournament? no If allowed to play, do you promise to make at least three non-tournament forum posts before 12 AM PDT 12/27/18? Yes
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    Community Need a Nats Buddy!

    Hey guys! I live in Kansas and am planning on going to Nats but paying for everything myself is kinda expensive haha. Looking for someone who could split a hotel cost with me. None of my friends play . I don't mind driving there. Hit me up!