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  1. WangWei

    News America's November Set: 'Crimson Invasion,' Two Ultra Beast Premium Collections!

    I guess I know what I'm doing at the prerelease if I pull this card
  2. WangWei

    News Massive 'Premium Trainer's XY Collection' Releasing in November!

    So glad I didn't buy the Best of XY, I don't have to bother trying to pull them XD
  3. WangWei

    News Japan's SM3+ Set: 'Shining Legends!'

    Is this going to be a side set like Double Crisis?
  4. WangWei

    Event PokeBeach's June 2017 PTCGO Tournament, Sponsored by!

    Round 7 @WangWei wins 2 - 1 against @Rindon
  5. WangWei

    Event PokeBeach's June 2017 PTCGO Tournament, Sponsored by!

    @WangWei wins 2 - 1 @Jaypenny777 Good luck in the rest of the tournament!
  6. WangWei

    News Decidueye-GX, Incineroar-GX, & Primarina-GX Premium Collections in June!

    120 on three speciality boxes..or a booster box...Why do you do this to me Pokémon!
  7. WangWei

    Event PokeBeach's June 2017 PTCGO Tournament, Sponsored by!

    @WangWei beat @Supergingerkid 2-0. GL in the rest of the tournament!
  8. WangWei

    News Japan's SM3 Sets for the 20th Movie Feature Ho-Oh and Necrozma!

    This and Kiawe is going to be game over during prerelease.
  9. WangWei

    Event PokeBeach's June 2017 PTCGO Tournament, Sponsored by!

    Round 3 @WangWei vs @Yog WangWei (DavidWei) takes the win 2 vs 1 against Yog, good luck in the tournament!
  10. WangWei

    Event PokeBeach's June 2017 PTCGO Tournament, Sponsored by!

    With @YoYeBlaff_YouTube (yoyeblaff) permission, I, WangWei(DavidWei) win 2-0.
  11. WangWei

    News Japan's SM3 Sets for the 20th Movie Feature Ho-Oh and Necrozma!

    So Mega MewTwo's psychic infinity for one energy and can hit for weakness? Alright.
  12. WangWei

    Event PokeBeach's June 2017 PTCGO Tournament, Sponsored by!

    Are you a PokeBeach premium member? No What is your PTCGO screen name (the name you battle with, not the name you log in with)? DavidWei What timezone do you live in? (If you don’t know what timezone you live in, use a World Clock to find out.) CST Central Time Zone Did you play in May’s...