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  1. TaichoBanana

    'Ultra Premium Box,' 'Elite Trainer Box Plus,' and More 'Champion's Path' Products in November!

    Have we heard anything else about this? With everything else already coming out towards end of year has this been scrapped? Really Hoping somehow this is champions path but I have doubts.
  2. TaichoBanana

    'Hidden Fates,' Special Set Releasing in America This August!

    Yay!! Shinies galore, team rocket goodness, and that lovely Cynthia !!! I'm so excited for this set.
  3. TaichoBanana

    'Hidden Fates Premium Powers Collection' in October!

    Sounds expensive but at least get Guaranteed goodies incase of straight bust on fates pack.
  4. TaichoBanana

    SM5+ 'Ultra Force' Releasing in January!

    I hope steel frying pan gets a full art. What a great card
  5. TaichoBanana

    'Pokemon Crystal' Releasing on the 3DS Virtual Console in January

    I hope we get a Frickin suicune GX!
  6. TaichoBanana

    News Japan's December Sets: 'Ultra Sun' and 'Ultra Moon!'

    I hope the other baddies like Giovanni will get their own prism supporer cards
  7. TaichoBanana

    News 'Ultra Sun' and 'Ultra Moon' Review Copies Out, Some Spoilers!

    No new alolan forms is kind of a bummer. Oh well.
  8. TaichoBanana

    News Japan's December Sets: 'Ultra Sun' and 'Ultra Moon!'

    Cannot wait to see what new alolan forms will be featured in the sets.
  9. TaichoBanana

    News 'Shining Legends Collector's Chest Tin' in November!

    Looks like the latias and latios will be the ones that are being given out as part of the japanese gym card promos.
  10. TaichoBanana

    News 'Shining Legends Collector's Chest Tin' in November!

    the sUn and moon chest was $24.99
  11. TaichoBanana

    News Massive 'Premium Trainer's XY Collection' Releasing in November!

    Yahoo auction a few months ago. It wasn't prisitne, more like NM. Did have a small speck of texture missing but still looked great. Price did not include shipping.
  12. TaichoBanana

    News Massive 'Premium Trainer's XY Collection' Releasing in November!

    When they first came out they were $120. Currently they're about $83. I bought one at the higher price thinking I most likely wouldn't pull one. Ended up with 3 from 5 booster boxes.
  13. TaichoBanana

    News Massive 'Premium Trainer's XY Collection' Releasing in November!

    I highly doubt it's coming out here. It was fairly limited in japan.
  14. TaichoBanana

    News Massive 'Premium Trainer's XY Collection' Releasing in November!

    the full art english N + other cards is also cheaper than buying the japanese xy full art N.
  15. TaichoBanana

    News 'Shining Legends Collector's Chest Tin' in November!

    I forgot about that. Definitely have to save and I am going to ask off that day so I can go on a full on pokemon binge!
  16. TaichoBanana

    News Massive 'Premium Trainer's XY Collection' Releasing in November!

    Sad that only 2 will be textured. The textured really makes the cards like N pop.
  17. TaichoBanana

    News Massive 'Premium Trainer's XY Collection' Releasing in November!

    October and November are going to be expensive months
  18. TaichoBanana

    News 'Shining Legends Collector's Chest Tin' in November!

    With the best of xy and the shining collections coming out around the same, this is going to be a very expensive time for pokemon tcg fans.
  19. TaichoBanana

    News Japan's SM3+ Set: 'Shining Legends!'

    it turns out you only get two shining cards per booster box