finally a stage 1 pokemon decent with lock hability, aegislash is good, but too slow for the meta, this thing kill mew and come back alive after that (the only REAL menace for the lock deck)
yeah baby, chansey lucky bonus is a deck. if you put 2 chansey on top deck with decoding, you only need to take 2 prize cards to win the game because you know where the chansey's are, (IDK if there any other trainers who put more than 2 pokemon on top of the deck)
not that bench damage, the spread damage like radiant greninja(the nemesis of the deck), regidrago, palkia turbo in general, and consistency for greninja tera. we can abbandon the 2-2 rabsca
lilligant is the peak of festival lead deck, 20 more damage for 1 bench slot after rotation? is fine to me. after rotation the number of bench damage decks fall by alot, so you can focus on damage only.
yeah pokemon company, make a "grass" type pokemon that only deals 150 damage easily, because 170 is so broken(charizard). despite of any of this, that scovillain make the hisuain zoroark deck to thrash now. the damage counter gang are now fire with heatran and fire stadium
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