Best of luck to you in the rest of the tourney. If there's something I learned from our matches, that would be that match advantages are in favor, not guaranteed wins.
Round 2, won 2-0 against @MoFoTY86, excellent games.
Seriously, that dude has a deck that had me thinking more critical then with other matchups. Best of luck to the rest of your matches.
Which is why you run Raichu, it makes it so the opponent has to switch either with switch or olympia. Which sometimes they won't be able to pull off. You run Acerola, Super scoop ups, and devolution spray to make it more consistent.
You have a gx attack that compliments the first attack. Can lele for brig and setup 2 salandit and pika on bench, then sycamore and hopefully get one next turn. Possibly add 1-1 octillery line for consistency.
Are you a PokeBeach premium member? No
What is your PTCGO screen name? XboxAhoy
What time zone do you live in? Currently Arizona, but will change to EST next Sunday due to me returning home from vacation.
Did you play in July’s tournament? No.
If you played in July’s tournament, did you make at...