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  1. Mert

    'Tag All Stars' Set Revealed in 'CoroCoro!'

    The marchers will die next turn anyway so it doesn’t matter that much
  2. Mert

    SM10a \'GG End\' Mini-Set in April

    The latter.
  3. Mert

    Alt. Format SUM-LST Lost March

    I like Spinarak. There's a newer list I have in the works that utilizes it, so I may post that at a later date.
  4. Mert

    Alt. Format SUM-LST Lost March

    Prism Star Pokémon don't count toward the Lost March count. Thus, instead of focusing on a secondary strategy, maybe some consistency Pokemon like Oranguru SUM would help?
  5. Mert

    Discussion So let's talk about Jumpluff.

    Oh wow I forgot about Dimension Valley haha. Yeah that'll probably be the way to go for expanded. I made a Jumpluff list for standard but that gets me thinking about making a Natu/Spinarak list.
  6. Mert

    Discussion So let's talk about Jumpluff.

    Just remember, it won't be as easy to get DCEs back since puzzles are getting banned.
  7. Mert

    Alt. Format SUM-LST Lost March

    First draft Lost March deck idea. Not totally sold on the trainer lineup yet, looking for opinions. Pokemon: 4x Hoppip LST (40 hp) 4x Skiploom LST 4x Jumpluff LST 4x Trumbeak LST 3x Natu LST 2x Tapu Lele GX GRI Trainers: 4x Ultra Ball 3x Lost Mixer 2x Field Blower 1x Rescue Stretcher 3x Choice...
  8. Mert

    Alt. Format (SUM-LTH) Don't F***le With Shuckle (Shuckle GX)

    Love the idea, but I disagree with some of your trainer choices. 4 Team Skull Grunt sounds excessive, as does 4 Enhanced Hammer. My thoughts: -3 Team Skull Grunt -2 Enhanced Hammer +2 Lillie +3 Acro Bike (for a consistency boost)
  9. Mert

    PokeBeach's August 2018 PTCGO Tournament, Sponsored by!

    @Mert won 2-0 against @Pauk214 in round 5 of the tournament. Good luck!
  10. Mert

    PokeBeach's August 2018 PTCGO Tournament, Sponsored by!

    Round 4 Mert wins 2-0 over @Nirvandalo. Good luck for the rest of your games!
  11. Mert

    Discussion Which Celestial Storm theme deck is better, Leaf Charge or Hydro Fury?

    I think Hydro Fury has a slight edge because of the 1-1 Magcargo line.
  12. Mert

    Fun Celestial Storm pull rates

    How are pull rates for Celestial Storm so far? Box-wise I heard the prisms were a little low, but the GXs are better than usual. What has everyone's experiences been like?
  13. Mert

    Discussion Post Rotation Sleeper Decks?

    Electrode is lying in wait for the right card right now. In the meantime, Baby Metagross's synergy with GRI Garbodor through Unit Energy is being overlooked at the moment. Strong 1-prizer deck without any bad matchups.
  14. Mert

    PokeBeach's August 2018 PTCGO Tournament, Sponsored by!

    Are you a PokeBeach premium member? No What is your PTCGO screen name (the name you battle with, not the name you log in with)? gumbrows What time zone do you live in? (If you don’t know what time zone you live in, use a World Clock to find out.) EST Did you play in last month’s tournament? No...
  15. Mert

    Standard Baby Metagross/Garbodor "Metagarb" (BKT-CST)

    I think Metagross has potential to be a decent rogue in August and post-rotation but I don't see many people talking about it. To capitalize off the synchronization with Unit Energy LPM, I'm teching the Garbodor line in to help with the Buzzwole matchup. Here's the first draft of my list...