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  1. CaptainMustang

    Standard Ho-OhGX / SalazzleGX Deck Advice

    Play-tested last night with the changes from before against my friends Garchomp/Lucario GX deck, the deck is way more fluid due to the addition of N and an extra choice band but I didn't hit 1 elixir all night despite trying 4 times! (in turn 2 or 3) Salazzle is a mean machine when i'm down to...
  2. CaptainMustang

    Standard Ho-OhGX / SalazzleGX Deck Advice

    I like the thought but I agree with Gumball, around 3 prizes is when i'd like Salazzle to be stacked and ready so 2 is perfect, just figuring out what 2 to take out to fit in 2 more elixir
  3. CaptainMustang

    Standard Ho-OhGX / SalazzleGX Deck Advice

    Changed the following Volcanion EX -1 Volcanion +1 Cynthia -1 Kiawe -1 N +2 Ranger -1 Choice Band +1 now to figure out what 2 to take out for the 2 elixir... I play on saturday so i can put the changes to the test then!
  4. CaptainMustang

    Standard Ho-OhGX / SalazzleGX Deck Advice

    Cheers for the tips dude, trying these changes online now and i'll see how it goes!
  5. CaptainMustang

    Standard Ho-OhGX / SalazzleGX Deck Advice

    Hi guys! running the above deck and wondered if anyone could offer some tips etc: Pokemon (15) Ho-Oh GX x3 Salazzle GX x2 Salandit x2 Turtonator GX x2 Tapu-Lele GX x2 Volcanion EX x1 Volcanion x1 Oranguru x1 Dawn-Wings Necrozma GX x1 Supporters (15) Sycamore x4 Guzma x4 Cynthia x3 N x2 Kiawe...