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  1. O

    “Pokemon Presents” Announced for February 27th, Roundup of Current Fan Speculation

    Sylveon came on its own but the previous 4 were done in pairs though (Glaceon/Leafeon) (Espeon/Umbreon)
  2. O

    “Journey Together” Enhanced Booster Box Availability in the Americas and Europe

    What absolute BS. Well that’s one way to sell booster boxes at full retail as opposed to the regular much lower market prices. Team Rocket is going to be interesting over in the UK.
  3. O

    Beautiful New Secret Rare Cards Revealed from “Terastal Festival ex!”

    All high class sets whatever ex/V/VMax card gets reprinted in the base set gets an alt art you just have to look at the list. What got revealed today also pretty much confirms it. I’ve got the alt arts in the set as Leafeon ex Iron Leaves ex Teal Mask Ogerpon ex Flareon ex Gouging Fire ex...
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    Beautiful New Secret Rare Cards Revealed from “Terastal Festival ex!”

    Gholdengo is just vibing. Love it. I also really like the Ogerpon. The amount of intricate detail by the artist when you look at it closely is very good
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    “Terastal Festival ex” Special Set Officially Revealed Starring the Eeveelutions!

    A standard booster box in Japan is cheaper than an ETB
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    “Terastal Festival ex” Special Set Officially Revealed Starring the Eeveelutions!

    Is there more to be revealed today. As reveals go for high class sets compared to past reveals of them this is really lacklustre. Even Star Universe, shiny treasure ex and vmax climax showed off a lot of cards including secret rares at the reveal. This is a couple of regular Pokemon and a...
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    “Blooming Waters Premium Collection” Releasing for “151” in February, Set Also Getting Reprinted in Japan!

    But left overs are generally kept to US Markets on stuff like this. Europe didn’t get the sky and seas Crown Zenith Box whereas this is a wide release. I feel there will be plenty to go around for a short while
  8. O

    “Pokemon TCG Pocket” Now Out in New Zealand, Beautiful New “Genetic Apex” Cards Revealed!

    by far the best set this generation - except it’s digital only. Please release this as a physical set. It will sell like hot cakes.
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    “Greninja ex Ultra-Premium Collection” Releasing in November, Includes Metal Greninja ex Promo!

    When you have the amazing Charizard and Mew UPCs how can you release this crap. Lazy cash grab
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    “Terapagos ex Ultra-Premium Collection” Revealed for November!

    Pokemon really pushing Gen 9 aren’t they. S&V one of my absolutely least favourite generations in the TCG. Fantastic art wasted on bland Pokemon (for the most part). Not been excited for a product since 151 but that’s probably my nostalgia glasses talking.
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    “Battle Partners” Set to Release in Japan in January, Return of Owner’s Pokemon!

    Sabrina’s Gengar, Sabrina’s Gengar, Sabrina’s Gengar. Plllleeeeeeeeeeeeeaase
  12. O

    “Terastal Festival” Set Will Feature the Eeveelutions, Releases in December!

    This sounds exciting but doesn’t this goes against the grain of high class sets. They are generally reprint sets to celebrate the previous year with new art. It’s unprecedented to put numerous massive chase pokemon that haven’t featured at all previous in these sets. At most we get like 2 new...
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    All 66 “Crimson Haze” Main Set Cards Revealed!

    That Eevee is gorgeous. And there’s 8. One for each eeveelution
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    “Wild Force” and “Cyber Judge” Secret Rares Revealed!

    Some people do as it adds value and people collect them. I’d rather mine be normal but that’s just me
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    “Wild Force” and “Cyber Judge” Secret Rares Revealed!

    That Full Art Gengar, whoever pulled it got lucky, looks like an error texture shift
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    “Shiny Treasure ex” Secret Rares Revealed: 170 Cards!

    How can we go from alt art gold cards to these gold cards SMH.
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    Shiny Noivern ex, Shiny Wugtrio Illustration Rare from “Shiny Treasure ex”

    I reckon these 6 will be the special raised holo gold cards
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    “Paradox Rift” English Prerelease Promos Revealed!

    Our pre-release is a week before Japans release of SV4. Cannot remember the last time we had a set release where there were still unrevealed cards. Makes a nice change possibly pulling something that We haven't seen yet.
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    Special Pokemon TCG English Set Releasing in January, Likely Featuring Shiny Pokemon!

    Depends on the pull rates and size of the shiny vault.