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  1. W

    'Unbroken Bonds,' May's English SM10 Set!

    Google Translated and slightly cleaned up: Cleffa's ability: Draw hard. If you use this ability, your turn ends. Throw a coin; if heads, shuffle your hand into the deck and draw 6. (Eeeeek is back, and it's not as good!) Tyrogue's ability: (curse word) kick. If you use this ability, your turn...
  2. W

    February's English Set: 'Team Up!'

    No stupid one-offs? Oh my.
  3. W

    News Japan's First 2019 Sets: 'Night Unison,' 'Full Metal Wall'

    That Kyurem + Naganadel and Quagsire (Dragon Majesty 26) might actually be a decent deck.