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  1. M

    PokeBeach’s April 2019 PTCGO Tournament, Sponsored By!

    I think you misinterpreted what i was trying to say, I'm being forced to play with a sub optimal deck by not being allowed to use a different deck. No point in arguing it here. It is what it is. Not your fault.
  2. M

    PokeBeach’s April 2019 PTCGO Tournament, Sponsored By!

    I did read the announcement but lets not sit here and pretend that TCPI has a history of fixing bugs at a normal speed. They fix them when they get around to it. Regardless I have too many losses to be competitive and this will just compound that so GG maybe next time.
  3. M

    PokeBeach’s April 2019 PTCGO Tournament, Sponsored By!

    Drop, I'm not going to continue to play this tournament while being forced to continue to play a deck that is completely negated by a bug in ptcgo. A deck substitution should have been allowed or games allowed to have been played on another platform. Enjoy the $15 from my subscription ✌
  4. M

    PokeBeach’s April 2019 PTCGO Tournament, Sponsored By!

    Table 135 @mystikalginger defeats @Hdog7311 2-0. gg and gl!
  5. M

    PokeBeach’s April 2019 PTCGO Tournament, Sponsored By!

    2-1 but i wouldn't expect a blacephalon player to remember losing to a celusaur.
  6. M

    'Lucario & Melmetal-GX Box' in June!

    This seems to follow suit from last set with a blister type box from 1 of the Tag teams and then perhaps we will see the tins for a couple of the other tag teams in this set like we did Pikarom, celusaur, and Evee Snorlax?
  7. M

    Help Decks for post-rotation

    I thought that Guzma was being reprinted with new art in unbroken bonds? Did i see that incorrectly?
  8. M

    PokeBeach’s April 2019 PTCGO Tournament, Sponsored By!

    Table 10 @mystikalginger def. @Megapok 2-1 good game and good luck.
  9. M

    Ruling Charizard Reshiram GX attack question?

    Based on the translation which we all know could change between now and its release, the card text says "this attacks damage". I think that Vileplume's ability doesnt allow the attack to even start, thus there is not damage that would be able to bypass abilities. I'm new so I could be wrong but...
  10. M

    Discussion Questions about card language

    Thanks all, this helps a lot!
  11. M

    Discussion Questions about card language

    After reviewing some of the new cards that are coming out next month, I had a question about some card language. Will cards like Blue's(Green's) Search allowing you to search the deck for 2 trainers as long as you have no pokemon with abilities in play be able to function normally if you have...
  12. M

    PokeBeach’s April 2019 PTCGO Tournament, Sponsored By!

    Did you read this entire post, including all the new prize information, the info about international prize winners, and all the other disclaimers, terms, rules, and conditions?Yes Are you a PokeBeach premium member?Yes What is your PTCGO screen name? (The name you battle with, not the name you...