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  1. S

    'VMAX Rising,' Japan's February Set!

    Why does no one consider the Nuzzle deck with Boltund V. More damage then the nuzzle Raichu (+10 damage per energy), non evolution (don't need 4 pika's anymore), and can spam so much electric energy with nuzzle effect to pump its damage. Way better then running it with the pika/raichu other...
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    Discussion Pokemon, the seriously flawed TCG?

    If you play a best of 1 tournament game how does it average out over a series of games? You are out the instant you brick or flood at the start of those games.
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    Discussion Pokemon, the seriously flawed TCG?

    I totally understand your point about mana/energy and the flaw within it. Of course I only chose to present 1 of the issues, drawing too much mana but in fact that is only 1 small way you are indeed screwed in this game, there a so many variables that can kill you at the start. I for one need...
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    Discussion Pokemon, the seriously flawed TCG?

    I am struggling with Pokemon. I come from a developer side of board gaming, programming, modding, and artistry work. My son, 10, loves pokemon and we plan to go to worlds this year as a JR. After all of my personal experiences with pokemon I am all but convinced the basic ground rules for...
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    Discussion Do they ever ban cards from Standard?

    I have to agree with their recent bans from Expanded, and I am wondering is there any chance that we will get to see the same great bans come to standard? I'm not interested in playing a game where I have absolutely no ability to react to someone who can thin my hand out completely without...
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    Tournament 4-1 Glaceon GX/Welder League Cup

    I am finding the same thing with Cyrus, it kills a tiny bit of consistency for me as well. I find I don't get it when I need it a lot of the time, and when I do get it its likely too late. Sometimes it does show up perfectly, but as a 1 card deal its too hit or miss to be useful in reality of...
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    Help PikaRom player moving to Mewtwo Mew deck questions

    I started running Porygon Z Gx when that box came available and always aim for that GX attack on my first attack if I can get it. Everytime I've done this I'm golden for the game, so many options instantly available, toss out all your non basic gx's and choose a few cards to help thin your...
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    Tournament 4-1 Glaceon GX/Welder League Cup

    Been messing around with the deck, I have access to fully developed Mewtwo, Pikachu/Raichu, Charzard/Res, Malamar/UltraN meta decks and a Spirittomb/Frostlass deck to fight against at home with the kids. So far I can't beat the Pikachu/Raichu deck at all. Just gets stomped. I've been...