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  1. softsoph

    Adjust Your Expectations: Pokemon TCG Shortages Will Continue Into 2021

    Jeez what a shitty take. I'm a collector and I don't mind these being reprinted at all despite being around when these came out and having some of the sets. I only care about what's in my collection, not how rare or limited it is..
  2. softsoph

    'Shiny Star V' Announced for November, Plus Blastoise and Venusaur VMAX!

    GX Ultra Shiny was released in 2018 November 2. That's like almost 2 years ago and it'll be over 2 years ago when it releases. Also Japan always has some kind of special box release around November every year. This is just this year's version of what was Tag All Stars last year, which had no...
  3. softsoph

    'Shiny Star V' Announced for November, Plus Blastoise and Venusaur VMAX!

    I wish they didn't add that stupid Charizard to it.. This will probably the most desirable Charizard bait card yet. I just don't get it because like yeah the Charizards attract attention, but they're really overdoing it now in this cheap stupid way. It feels like there's been a whole flurry of...
  4. softsoph

    'Toxtricity V Box' in February, More Proof of Synced Worldwide Releases!

    Ok this is off topic but is it just me or does Toxtricity kind of look like this guy..
  5. softsoph

    Japan's March Set: 'Rebellion Crash,' Plus Toxtricity V, Charizard VMAX, Grimmsnarl VMAX!

    The new cards are very nice but it somehow makes me anxious that they're returning to monthly releases again after February. I was hoping they'd slow down a bit.
  6. softsoph

    Galar Pals Mini Tins, Collector's Chest Tin in April!

    These are mostly meant as small gifts in my opinion
  7. softsoph

    Sword & Shield TCG Set

    Those rainbow rare trainers are a motherfudger for collectors..
  8. softsoph

    Sword & Shield TCG Set

    These V cards are so darn pretty, they really stepped up their game for the 3d rendered things. They actually look extremely appealing now. Also that Marnie full art will likely be so expensive because Japanese men are somehow obsessed with the female trainers I've heard.. (For example Ultra...
  9. softsoph

    Pokemon VMAX, Sword & Shield Cards, Meowth V MAX Special Collection Revealed!

    I wonder how expensive these will be.. If there are VMAX cards with a texture and they're not secret rares, does that mean that this is like the return of the gold star type pokemon? Competitively viable yet rare.
  10. softsoph

    Hop Full Art Promo Revealed!

    That card art is really good.. I like the background a lot.
  11. softsoph

    Duraludon Promo in 'CoroCoro Ichiban!'

    The reason I am harsh on this Pokemon is mostly that it's supposed to be "Tyranitar's sworn rival". I just don't get this sentiment as nothing about this Pokemon looks cool or menacing to me. I liked it at first because of the strange looking design but after it was described to be Tyranitar's...
  12. softsoph

    Duraludon Promo in 'CoroCoro Ichiban!'

    I agree with this so much. This Pokemon really sucks. Its design is an actual failure because it's supposed to have the same aesthetic and menacing dragon appeal like Tyranitar and it looks like a minecraft mob.
  13. softsoph

    'TAG TEAM Generations Premium Collection' in November!

    That coin is really good looking
  14. softsoph

    Blastoise & Piplup Playmat for Q2 League Cups, Other League Rewards!

    Is it just me or does the artwork look weirdly off? The Blastoise looks kind of too dark blue too me especially on the head
  15. softsoph

    'Pokemon V' Mechanic Announced: Zacian V, Zamazenta V from 'Sword & Shield!'

    Does anyone here think the Meowth V card's artwork looks quite nice? It's very refreshing to me to see regular "GX/EX" type cards have drawn artwork again rather than the dreaded 5ban graphics..
  16. softsoph

    New 'Sword & Shield' Info, Easier to Train Competitive Pokemon and More!

    I know you weren't trying to argue, if anything I was afraid my reply seemed argumentative. I only meant to add to why I personally think that simplification of gameplay features is a bad thing and even doing it with things that seem like they don't hold any value inherently to the player can...
  17. softsoph

    'Pokemon V' Mechanic Announced: Zacian V, Zamazenta V from 'Sword & Shield!'

    The trainer art reminds me of the old EX era trainer art where they actually drew art for the trainer cards..