Search results

  1. Y

    LuxChomp tech [Battle Roads][Masters]

    2-2 Luxray GL LV.X 2-2 Garchomp C LV.X 1-1 Blaziken FB LV.X 1-1 Dialga G LV.X 1 Toxicroak G Promo 1 Crobat G 1 Dragonite FB 1 Lucario GL 2-1 Uxie LV.X 1 Azelf LA 1 Chatot MD 1 Unown Q 4 Cyrus' Conspiracy 3 Pokemon Collector 2 Bebe's Search 1 Aaron's Collection 4 Energy Gain 4...
  2. Y

    BACK with HGSS!!! Come and check NOW

    RE: ALL Japanese reprint are selling @$8 US only!!! (except Charizard) okay I'll see what I can do about it and will get back to you soon
  3. Y

    BACK with HGSS!!! Come and check NOW

    RE: ALL Japanese reprint are selling @$8 US only!!! (except Charizard) money orders are basically cash that can't be stolen by the people who sort the mail, and they can be re-exchanged at a local gas station, I can get you some more detailed information later (and I would be very catious...
  4. Y

    BACK with HGSS!!! Come and check NOW

    RE: ALL Japanese reprint are selling @$8 US only!!! (except Charizard) I can do that as long as you accept money orders. If that is fine by you,pm me with your address so I can get the money sent out right away.
  5. Y

    BACK with HGSS!!! Come and check NOW

    RE: ALL Japanese reprint are selling @$8 US only!!! (except Charizard) it's not worth more than a few buck's on ebay, and i would really only trade much for the uxie's and the shiny swablu and shiny lotad I could pay for the uxie's depending on your price
  6. Y

    BACK with HGSS!!! Come and check NOW

    RE: ALL Japanese reprint are selling @$8 US only!!! (except Charizard) can you cml (pokegym, sorry, I don't get much time to visit pokebeach) list for: x3 DP5 Uxie x1 PT1 Shiny Lotad x1 PT1 Shiny Swablu x1 DPS Shiny Drifloon x2 DP5 Mesprit x1 PT1 Electabuzz x1 PT1 Scyther x1 DP5 Azelf (in...