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  1. TornWorld

    Old Theme Deck Lists

    You have been very helpful, Juliacoolo. I appreciate it very much!
  2. TornWorld

    Old Theme Deck Lists

    From the Ruby Theme it was Torchic (thanks for that), Combusken, Skitty, Makuhita and Poochyena. The Sapphire Theme Deck: Mudkip, Marshtomp, Treecko and Grovyle. Crystal Guardians: "Green Cyclone" Theme Deck: Bulbasaur and Ivysaur. "Earth Shower" Theme Deck: Mudkip and Marshtomp...
  3. TornWorld

    Old Theme Deck Lists

    Let me make myself more clear. I'm missing a couple cards from both of these sets, and I'm not sure, but I think those cards could be obtained through buying the theme decks. I know the Ruby Theme deck has Torchic in it, but I'm not sure WHICH Torchic since there's more than one of them in...
  4. TornWorld

    Where did this come from?

    That's not a Prerelease card... This card was obtained through either League or Battle Zone tournaments at the time, I think.
  5. TornWorld

    Old Theme Deck Lists

    Hey everybody. I've collected Pokemon cards for a while now, but I'm having trouble. I don't have the theme decks from Ex: Ruby & Sapphire or the 3 ones from Ex: Crystal Guardians. I want to make sure I have these 5 lists correct. Has anybody here bought any of these theme decks, and if...