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  1. Bid

    “Mega Brave” and “Mega Symphonia” TCG Sets Releasing in August, Mega Gengar ex and Mega Diancie ex Decks!

    I wasn’t expecting Diancie, but I’m happy to see it!
  2. Bid

    Mega Lucario ex and Mega Gardevoir ex Revealed, Different Than the Original Mechanic!

    I’m not so sure about that. The meta is too fast and too donkin, so there’s a good chance you won’t even get the opportunity to evolve Stage 1 or 2 Megas. Only Basic Megas would be playable. Imo, having a Mega Token, similar to VSTAR and GX mechanics, that allows you to evolve a Mega once per...
  3. Bid

    Mega Lucario ex and Mega Gardevoir ex Revealed, Different Than the Original Mechanic!

    Yeah but in cards perspective a gimmick around it would be fun to see and more interesting than 3 prizes
  4. Bid

    Mega Lucario ex and Mega Gardevoir ex Revealed, Different Than the Original Mechanic!

    Still, with VSTAR attacks stepping in to replace GX after its rotation, I wondered if Mega Evolutions might replace it as well. I don't believe they should introduce negative rule again, but even Tera has its basic "bench barrier," while Megas got nothing—it's simply a straight-up 3 prizes and...
  5. Bid

    Mega Lucario ex and Mega Gardevoir ex Revealed, Different Than the Original Mechanic!

    After all I think one of the most underwhelming things is that Mega Pokémon don’t have anything truly interesting—they’re just ordinary ex cards that give up 3 prizes. There’s no unique Mega Evolution rule, no special Mega attacks like VSTAR or GX. It’s strange as I expected Megas to take their...
  6. Bid

    Mega Lucario ex and Mega Gardevoir ex Revealed, Different Than the Original Mechanic!

    Yeah, I’d personally prefer if they did something similar to BREAK mons.
  7. Bid

    Mega Lucario ex and Mega Gardevoir ex Revealed, Different Than the Original Mechanic!

    I'm not sure about 3 prizes, but I like that this evolves directly from its lower stage. Let's wait for an overpowered basic.
  8. Bid

    Ponyta and Rapidash from Heat Wave Arena!

    If this ability were on Ponyta it might see some play, but as a Stage 1 with this attack? Nah I dont think so.
  9. Bid

    “Destined Rivals” Booster Pack Artwork Confirms Sets to Feature Team Rocket!

    I agree, but not entirely. Yes, The Pokémon Company often designs products to maximize nostalgia and profit as much as possible. However, in the case of 151, the key factor was that after years, TPCI was finally able to print a Kadabra card. There’s a long story behind why they couldn’t do it...
  10. Bid

    “Lillie Premium Tournament Collection” Revealed for April!

    What ol ex arts do you have in mind?
  11. Bid

    “Heat Wave Arena” Set Revealed Featuring Misty, Ethan, Cynthia, and Arven’s Pokemon!

    Show me more Steven and Marnie cards! Heat Wave can wait for now.
  12. Bid

    Steven’s Metagross ex and Marnie’s Grimmsnarl ex Decks Revealed!

    Metagross is not Grass and retrieval gives you energy back to hand so you can’t use abilities like Metagross, some decks will need energy recycles and it’s a great card
  13. Bid

    Steven’s Metagross ex and Marnie’s Grimmsnarl ex Decks Revealed!

    I thought about him but it feels inconsistent over all
  14. Bid

    Steven’s Metagross ex and Marnie’s Grimmsnarl ex Decks Revealed!

    Oricorio and Indeedee cards could make a great addition to a deck and paired with cook, potion, and perhaps leftovers
  15. Bid

    Steven’s Metagross ex and Marnie’s Grimmsnarl ex Decks Revealed!

    Oh my gosh, my beloved Steven is finally here! I liked these cards - while I’d prefer Metagross hitting for 220, 200 is still pretty solid. I imagine you'll pair Metal Pokémon with Steven, so wouldn’t Full Metal Lab be the better stadium? We’ll see what other Pokémon get revealed, though - I...
  16. Bid

    “Battle Partners” All 100 Main Set Cards Revealed!

    And not only that but Hop can actually become an S-tier meta deck. With Secret Box and Arven, Zacian can be set up on the first turn going second and hit for 120 damage for zero energy. Then second turn evolving Archaludon hitting for 330 and maybe 360 if you use Kieran.
  17. Bid

    Hop’s Pincurchin ex, Drifblim, Pokemon Center Lady, and Other Gym Promos Revealed for January!

    You can include Hitmonchan from 151 as a better alternative. If it gets knocked out, it only gives up one prize card, and its lower retreat cost makes it more flexible. Plus, there’s no need to worry about fitting electric energy into your deck.
  18. Bid

    “Battle Partners” All 100 Main Set Cards Revealed!

    I like it as it is it avoids the problem of having countless gimmicks in the game, which sets Pokémon apart from other TCGs like Magic. Keeping things simple ensures the game doesn’t get bogged down with unnecessary mechanics. Plus, it makes balancing much easier and helps keep the gameplay...
  19. Bid

    Hop’s Pincurchin ex, Drifblim, Pokemon Center Lady, and Other Gym Promos Revealed for January!

    This card doesn't quite measure up compared to other Hop options. It's not even an effective counter to Budew, as it gives away two prize cards. Meanwhile, Hop's Zacian can deal 30 HP damage with just one energy or even for free with tool. Not worth including or building a strategy around this card.