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  1. B

    Reflecting on the Last Two Majors and the Rise of Gholdengo

    And in just a couple short months Budew will become legal and every single deck relying on items will fall apart, just look at the japanese decklists and you will see Charizard is gone and Budew is in 80-90% of all decks that can fit it in. Budew will return the game to the slower build up...
  2. B

    Worlds Meta and Testing Results, Part 1

    I think we will see Worlds have alot of your standard Meta decks in it with the only real differences being a tech here or there. I doubt many will have any new Shrouded Fable decks, they won't be willing to use a fully new deck in this tourney.
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    Pokemon TCG Live’s First Year of Stats Released, Less Than 3% Usage Compared to Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel

    I highly doubt Yu-Gi-Oh had released their product as completely unprepared for actual launch like Pokemon did with Live. I documented dozens of bugs and helped them find and repair issues with the game since its release. It still has a problematic algorithm, specifically with shuffling the...
  4. B

    Twilight Masquerade — Set Overview

    What an incredibly biased review of a great pokemon set, especially the attitude toward Carmine. Because I am playing against Teal Mask Ogerpon sets online making 4x use of Carmine so they can get their 4 Ogerpon out with Sinischa one prizer in their massive grass energy decks.
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    Arceus VSTAR: Was It Secretly Good This Whole Time?

    Headlines like this are unnecessary click bait. Arceus has ALWAYS been good, it won Worlds, it was just a question of what partner pokemon can allow it to compete after each rotation.
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    Blocking Out the Sun — Snorlax for Charlotte

    How will this deck be changed with rotation?
  7. B

    How to Beat Snorlax Stall with Tier One Decks!

    I figured out another way to beat this snorlax deck -- stall it with skwovet. Then you never deck out and can just take the tie.