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  1. scuba steveE

    Pokemon Pokemon Company Courting Hollywood for Live Action Pokemon Movie!

    I think this is pretty cool. Yeah the likelihood of it being bad is pretty high, but who cares if it is? It won't ruin the games or anything, we'll just have a good laugh at it and move on from it like other bad movie adaptations. There's also the chance that it might turn out amazing, I mean a...
  2. scuba steveE

    Toys R Us 'Pokemon Day' Only for Kids

    You could also just tell them you're getting them for sibling, child, etc. because they're sick if they give you a hard time.
  3. scuba steveE

    Pokemon Competitors Arrested for Threatening Gun Violence at Worlds

    *reads some people's posts* *rolls eyes* I'm not going to get into it though, it would be a waste of time. I'm just glad these idiots were arrested and everyone is safe.
  4. scuba steveE

    Pokemon Worlds 2015 Livestream for VG, TCG, and Pokken Tournament!

    Unfortunately, Worlds will probably never be held outside of the US in the near future. The one time they did (Vancouver), TPCi had problems with customs and organizing it. San Fran is cool.
  5. scuba steveE

    Spin-Off Pokken Tournament Releasing for Wii U Worldwide in Spring 2016!

    I'm pretty sure the only reason why Pikachu Libre is in this game is because Pikachu is Harada's favorite Pokemon and he really likes the Libre costume. I honestly don't care as long as it plays differently and that there are more characters at launch. Spring 2016 is a lot sooner than what I...
  6. scuba steveE

    Mega Evolution Act IV Trailer: Green Booger Minion, Malva Footage

    I wonder why Chespin is glowing green, I'm guessing that is greenie's doing...
  7. scuba steveE

    Pokemon 'CoroCoro' Reveals New Pokemon for Next Year's Film

    I can't really tell if they're in water or just on the ground, but in the pic that WPM used in thumbnail, it sort of reminds me of a tadpole.
  8. scuba steveE

    Pokemon 'CoroCoro' Reveals New Pokemon for Next Year's Film

    I just think it's funny people keep on taking pictures of this one and not of the one that I'm pretty sure is the title character of a 1997 movie that starred Robin Williams.
  9. scuba steveE

    Pokemon What's Your Favorite Pokémon and Why?

    My favorite is Absol and I'm not entirely sure why, I just really like it. Though, Greninja almost dethrone it when it came out.
  10. scuba steveE

    Pokemon 'CoroCoro' Reveals New Pokemon for Next Year's Film

    Yeah with the new drawing and descriptions, I think the silhouette Pokemon is a Zygarde forme and the blob Pokemon is a completely new Pokemon.
  11. scuba steveE

    Pokemon 'CoroCoro' Reveals New Pokemon for Next Year's Film

    Wasn't there something like this happen before, where a new "something" was shown in a preview for the next movie and someone drew a picture of it? I can't remember which Pokemon it was... Now I have no ideal what's coming next: Z, Gen. 7, or it could even be a combination of the two. Edit...
  12. scuba steveE

    Pokemon 'CoroCoro' Reveals New Pokemon for Next Year's Film

    ...that was the point I was making. Though, after looking at some fan art and comparing Zygarde to this silhouette, I can see it being a new forme or whatever for Zygarde. It's really interesting if it is because it pretty much goes from snake dragon thing to a Megazord.
  13. scuba steveE

    Pokemon 'CoroCoro' Reveals New Pokemon for Next Year's Film

    I would say this is way too different from Zygarde to be a mega evolution of a new forme, but than there's Hoopa Unbound. *shrugs* It's also giving me Regi vibes, but that would be sort of random... I don't know, I'm honestly leaning towards a brand new Pokemon more.
  14. scuba steveE

    10 Cards from 'Legendary Holo Collection' Revealed!

    I'm surprised that it took them this long to make a Ex for Pikachu. Also, I really do not get why people are mad about this. Pikachu is the mascot of the entire franchise, I expect it to get stuff like this.
  15. scuba steveE

    Ancient Origins [8/15, aka Bandit Ring]

    Still better than the gold cards. :P
  16. scuba steveE

    Ancient Origins [8/15, aka Bandit Ring]

    Man the Hoopa Ex FA is amazing, I love the perspective on it. Actually, all the non Mega FAs look really good.
  17. scuba steveE

    Ancient Origins [8/15, aka Bandit Ring]

    Omg the Mega Tyranitar Ex FA looks like he ripped his shirt off and said "MY BODY IS READY!".
  18. scuba steveE

    Ancient Origins [8/15, aka Bandit Ring]

    I need that FA Giratina NOW
  19. scuba steveE

    E3 2015 Discussion

    Surprised that no ones has mention the Smash Bros. video presentation/mini-direct Sakurai is going to host on the 14th at 7:40 a.m. PT. Does that mean all the smash news will be shown then and not during the main direct? Interesting...