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  1. B

    Full Art Black Kyurem ex from “Paradise Dragona!”

    You also got to lump in the original ex era ex's in that if thats your main complaint which are worth thousands if the value is the metric of quality. Just because it is CGI doesn't mean its bad and not all of them are of same quality, look at the plasma ones posted earlier and the current...
  2. B

    Full Art Black Kyurem ex from “Paradise Dragona!”

    Someone wasn't around during the BW era, Full arts looked sick back then. They just put less effort into them later on and now people think they always sucked.
  3. B

    “Charizard ex League Battle Deck” in November!

    $60 is actually very cheap compared to other tcgs but I get your point, hard barrier of entry especially if you dont care for the art too much. You do receive rewards for winning tournaments though which offsets the investment.
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    “Pokemon TCG Pocket” to Release on October 30th!

    At this point this looks like a fancy lootbox nft game, not exactly exciting
  5. B

    “Paradox Rift” Set Guide: Card List, Secret Rares, Cut Cards, Products, and More!

    Best set of sv so far, too bad were gonna get another charizard pandering next set...
  6. B

    Special Pokemon TCG English Set Releasing in January, Likely Featuring Shiny Pokemon!

    I hope this is satire lol, hidden legends was better than all of those tbh tho
  7. B

    More Classic Cards Revealed from “Pokemon Trading Card Game Classic” Box Set!

    Could they not have made a more balance arrangement of cards if they're gonna include sets from all eras. Its like 80% base set thats been reprinted like 2 times already. 10% new modern cards and 10% random trainers and cards from literally any era. Looks like a mess imo, would rather them just...