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  1. M

    (2) "Platinum" Booster Pack Images and Set Logo, More "Bonds to the End of Time" Cards [12/18]

    RE: (1) More "Bonds to the End of Time" Cards [12/18] Very sad... DP7 was just released... My money doesn't grow on trees... :(
  2. M

    (1) Programming Help Wanted [12/15]

    Sure! I can help in everything ya need... I also have an unlimited hosting where we can host everything we need and complete access to its shell, so we can add routines to the server =)
  3. M

    (1) Programming Help Wanted [12/15]

    Well... Since she only do Access (access is not a very reliable database at all) I guess that she couldn't help ATM... =(
  4. M

    (1) Programming Help Wanted [12/15]

    [ Obs: Same as the email =P ] Hello there! I was reading the new post.. And God.. I really love pokebeach... I would like to help you, if I can... I've been programming in PHP for 6 years and I have a high knowledge on PHP, MySQL, MS SQL Server, JavaScript, XHTML, CSS and other stuff...