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  1. Faramir

    What is ur fav. Eeveelution...

    I like Jolteon and Espeon ... Bye
  2. Faramir

    Ruling Electabuzz δ

    Yes you have to listen others opinions I also doesn't know the correct , its only my point of view ^^ Bye
  3. Faramir

    Ruling Electabuzz δ

    I think you can use Becouse The card doesn't say "when you play Electabuzz δ from your hand to evolve 1 of your pokémon" Bye
  4. Faramir

    the most wanted ex!!!

    I Think Flygon ex Mew ex ( people like mewtric deck)
  5. Faramir


    I like 1. Charizard D (Good Power ) 2. Shiftry EX ( Dark Power ) 3. Ludicolo D ( Ludicargo Deck , its good becouse the power ) 4. Kingler ( A good Option) 5. Swalot ( I think its good , but he doesn't have a good HP ) It's all Bye
  6. Faramir

    TOP 5 favorite series

    1. EX Team Rocket Returns 2. EX Unseen Forces 3. EX Holon Phantoms 4. EX Dragon Frontiers 5. EX Dragon Bye