Search results

  1. Y

    [H]Dialga G Lv. X, Machamp Lv.X [W] Just a couple things

    RE: [H] LUXRAY GL LV. X, Machamp Lv.X, Dialga G Lv.X [W]Legos Stuff and Infernape 4 Lv. X How about My palkia g lv x + 2x palkia g + 4 sprays + 2 poketurn + 1 uxie For your luxray lv x and 2 luxray
  2. Y

    [H]Dialga G Lv. X, Machamp Lv.X [W] Just a couple things

    RE: [H] LUXRAY GL LV. X, Machamp Lv.X, Dialga G Lv.X [W]Legos Stuff and Infernape 4 Lv. X Awww, too bad you only trade people in US... I would do Your Luxray gl lv x + 2x luxray gl (non RH) + Blaziken FB lv x for MY 2x Palkia g + Palkia g lv x + 1 dialga g + 4 power spray + 1 uxie + 2 poke...
  3. Y

    I have cardz? Just stop by. Want: Pikachu M LV.X

    RE: Need 120$ Will Sell Cards Dirt Cheap. Updated List, With Platinum. i want your 2 dialga g lv x and 2 uxie LA and some rare candies if you have... i would do them for 1 charizard SH from SF 1 electabuzz re print from PT 1 hitmonchan re print from pt 1 magnezone lv x or pm me or let me know...