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  1. I

    Wi-Fi Trades Pi-Pi-Ka-Chu's Trading Thread And Cloning Service!! Updated!

    RE: Pi-Pi-Ka-Chu's Trading Thread And Cloning Service...Total Thread Makeover!! Shiny And Event Update:) can you clone mine shaymin now?
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    Wi-Fi Trades Pi-Pi-Ka-Chu's Trading Thread And Cloning Service!! Updated!

    RE: Pi-Pi-Ka-Chu's Trading Thread And Cloning Service...Total Thread Makeover!! Shiny And Event Update:) ok i wait til tomorrow
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    Wi-Fi Trades weavile93's thread [Looking for GAME Shaymin]

    RE: weavile93's thread [Looking for the US Shaymin Event / New Jirachi and Starmie ] greit en annen fyr skal gjøre det uansett
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    Wi-Fi Trades Pi-Pi-Ka-Chu's Trading Thread And Cloning Service!! Updated!

    RE: Pi-Pi-Ka-Chu's Trading Thread And Cloning Service...Total Thread Makeover!! Shiny And Event Update:) i shiny quiet shaymin see you online
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    Wi-Fi Trades Pi-Pi-Ka-Chu's Trading Thread And Cloning Service!! Updated!

    RE: Pi-Pi-Ka-Chu's Trading Thread And Cloning Service...Total Thread Makeover!! Shiny And Event Update:) can you clone mry shaymin six times???you can keep one of them (not the orginal)
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    Wi-Fi Trades Darkrai'sNightmare's Trading Center!

    RE: Darkrai'sNightmare's Trading Center! Item Clearence Sale! Ends in two weeks! can any one clone my shaymin to six of get to keep one of them (not the orginal)
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    DPPt/HGSS new team

    weawile:lvl52 lee:lvl55
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    DPPt/HGSS new team

    yeah yeah they are not in lvl 100 this is the stats that they are gonna have in lvl100 lee:273hp,339atk,205def,273speed,138spa,288spd chan:273hp,309atk,226def,251speed,138spa,288spd top:274hp,289atk,258def,239speed,138spa,288spd weawile:313hp,339atk,198def,349speed,158spa,238spd
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    Wi-Fi Trades weavile93's thread [Looking for GAME Shaymin]

    RE: weavile93's thread [Looking for the US Shaymin Event / New Jirachi and Starmie ] can you clone my shaymin 6 times you can keep one of them i am also from norway
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    DPPt/HGSS new team

    they are all EV`d in speed and atk
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    DPPt/HGSS new team

    well what do you want 4 them?
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    DPPt/HGSS new team

    wel i dont have a hunddoom thats why i posted this
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    DPPt/HGSS new team

    can you send me the link?
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    Wi-Fi Trades X war X My player thread! UPDATES! NEW LEGENDS AND SHINIES!

    RE: trading open to all and open for trade! ill trade elektriev, hunchkrow, manamphy and shaymin 4 salamence,hundoon,duskonoir and marowak
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    DPPt/HGSS new team

    i need: hundoom lanturn salamence morowak skarmory or venusar dukonoir all must be EV`d can offer: metegross lucario elektrive lapras darkrai shaymin claydoll azelf bronzong arceus blissey tauros polywhirl inferape hotmottop/lee and chan gardevoir gyarados...
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    Wi-Fi Trades DogMaster40's New My Player Thread

    i want that salamence,umbreon andstarmie 4 a darkrai,and a lucario(not shiny) and the tree hitmot brothers