RE: Wiseman's bombastic trade thread! H: Shaymin XLF, Giratina X and more! W: Small items!
Wiseman.$ I can throw in some holos and what not, so what else would you need from me.
RE: H:Cresselia Lv X W: Dialga G Lv X, Uxie LA, and Palkia G
chanman45$ one other person wants my Cress Lv. X, but we still haven't made an offer, so I will let you know if I can trade it to you or the other person.
RE: H:raichu lv.x x2 and alakazam lv.x plt shinies dialga g x W:help me complete hp set
CML for your x1 alakazam lv.x (btet) and x1 dialga g lv.x (plt).