Search results

  1. Jdbeardsmith

    “Pokemon Card Game MEGA” Trademarked, Goodbye “Scarlet & Violet!”

    Literally nothing makes me more mad then the fact they didn’t make a card for each of the tera hats designs… just not making all the versions in full arts SURE. FINE. But not even 1 card for poison rock or flying? CRIMINAL. And orgepon doesn’t count because that is not the hat 😮‍💨 As a...
  2. Jdbeardsmith

    “Rival Battle Decks” Featuring Marnie and Steven Pokemon Revealed for May, Reveals Info About “Destined Rivals!”

    Are these the same list as the decks from Japan? Are we REALLY getting closer to 1:1 Japan:tpci ?! Also …FINALLY decks need more than an alt regular ex to SELL THEM and this is a fantastic step in the right direction for once and not just tons wasted cardboard to stay on shelves/pegs not selling...
  3. Jdbeardsmith

    Teal, Hearthflame, Wellspring, and Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon from Heat Wave Arena!

    Me and my full “reverse holo card Pokédex” binder sets are VERY happy these exist now and I don’t have holes with a hope and a dream a’la Eternatus and Kadabra
  4. Jdbeardsmith

    Worlds 2025 Artwork Revealed, Spectator Badge Interest List!

    Really random but can spectators participate in the “side events” and manage to get a “worlds championship promo” or do only the active participants in the championship get them? These California ones are the only ones that seem feasible for me to get too so if that’s possible I’m going to...
  5. Jdbeardsmith

    GameStop Discontinues Pokemon TCG Preorders at Stores and Website!

    Game stop should instead limit the preorders to 2 like the purchase limits but make it so ONLY PROs can preorder so then it would limit scammers since you need an ID to become a pro - they’re basically only not out of business because of their cards and this is gonna stop so many people from...
  6. Jdbeardsmith

    “Destined Rivals” English Pokemon Set Releasing in May!

    I’m still not 100% convinced it’s not our special set - destined rivals could very easily be referring to all those trainers since we are “destined” to “rival” them to get through the story 😮‍💨 and they have been slowly creeping towards similar/ simultaneous Japan release tables so 🤞🤞 It’s just...
  7. Jdbeardsmith

    Pokemon Center Implementing a New Queue System, Presumably to Combat Bots!

    I’m not certain I understand how this deters bots and is not just adding them to the queue with everyone else? But anything is better than what’s happened in the drops recently
  8. Jdbeardsmith

    Special English Set Releasing in July, Could Be “Black Bolt” and “White Flare!”

    What is this difference you were looking for? It’s a set to feature every single Unova Pokémon…so it will be full of their beauty ?? How is it being set#.0 or set#.5 change anything other than maybe being able to purchase a booster box and packs rather then collections and ETBs? My thought is...
  9. Jdbeardsmith

    McDonald’s “Dragon Discovery” Now Available in the U.S., Full Set List, Earn Pocket Rewards!

    Can you get any of the cards in any number box - we only have box 1 in my region
  10. Jdbeardsmith

    McDonald’s “Dragon Discovery” Now Available in the U.S., Full Set List, Earn Pocket Rewards!

    Just asked if I could buy a pack separately and the girl working cheerfully said “yeah to get the toy only like just an extra dollar or so” i said “oh great I can do that” and I though she meant I could get it for a dollar but it was actually $8 something **the cost of the meal + 1.50$** for a...
  11. Jdbeardsmith

    “Journey Together” Enhanced Booster Box Availability in the Americas and Europe

    I just need to know if it’s a black star promo or just a stamp 😭😭😭
  12. Jdbeardsmith

    Hop’s Zacian ex Full Art Card Revealed!

    Does this mean we will have “ghosts” on the Gold card too?! Also anyone have the math ability to figure out how many full art there are with the card numbering?
  13. Jdbeardsmith

    “Prismatic Evolutions” Pull Rates Revealed, Special Illustration Rares Twice as Easy to Pull!

    Opened nearly 75 packs and only 1 SIR and 3 Trainer Ultra Rares 3 master balls - so ummm NOT GREAT! I did get 25 pokeballs 1/3 — 6 Ace 1/12 — 13 ex 1/6 but really a wild way to expect ANYONE to rip all the secret rares - was really expecting CZ rates … it’ll be weird if they adjust the hit rates...
  14. Jdbeardsmith

    All “Prismatic Evolutions” English Card Images!

    Got to a GameStop 2+ hours early was 2nd in line and a line of 30-40 people formed behind me - when they let us in they had a total of 3 ETBs / 1 Binder collection / 9 poster collections / 5 3 pack blisters with limits of 2 items each so obviously people that lined up early didn’t even get any -...
  15. Jdbeardsmith

    Hop’s Pincurchin ex, Drifblim, Pokemon Center Lady, and Other Gym Promos Revealed for January!

    Will we get this pokemon center lady print in an international set ? I assume we will get a promo box of the Hop ex but cards from promo packs like this and the “billy / o’nare” card I never understand how they make their way here or if they remain exclusives
  16. Jdbeardsmith

    New “Premium Tournament Collection” Releasing in April!

    Maybe either a Steven or Marnie again from the decks but a reprint Art from the far future rather than a cut new card 🤷‍♂️ Edit: or watch it be silly and not a trainer but Iono with the Wattrel promo 🤪
  17. Jdbeardsmith

    “Journey Together” Set Officially Revealed for March Featuring Owner’s Pokemon, Other Sets to Expect in 2025!

    The product is absolutely called “build and battle box” and absolutely are still for sale 😂 they may be referred to as a prerelease kit by LGS because how they interact with them — but it looks like it’s was just a error in gamestops listing which had them releasing the same day when I...
  18. Jdbeardsmith

    “Journey Together” Set Officially Revealed for March Featuring Owner’s Pokemon, Other Sets to Expect in 2025!

    i believe in this case the “special illustrations” like in the description just mean Pokémon and their trainer are together in the art
  19. Jdbeardsmith

    Volcanion ex, Iris, Wailord Illustration Rare, and More from “Battle Partners!”

    I cannot believe how little they did with the Tera mechanic- this kinda proves to me it’s over for future sets/ next block - so many missed opportunities - they didn’t even print a card of every Tera hat - really a shame Love what’s coming up here - all looking fun/cool - but can’t believe we...