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    TwinS Trading Thread. Looking for Digimon World 3

    Hey guys sorry but untill the next set is released I really dont need any cards. I dont want Japanese cards anymore because I wouldnt be able to use them in tournaments come next season.
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    TwinS Trading Thread. Looking for Digimon World 3

    RE: TwinS Trading Thread. Looking for Digimon World 3 and Ninja Gaiden 2 *Bump*
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    TwinS Trading Thread. Looking for Digimon World 3

    RE: TwinS Trading Thread Kingdra Master - I cant trade the Uxie X and the Leafeon X is traded already. Tyranitar77 - I cant trade any of my Pixies because they are in a freinds deck. Geo15721 - PMed You Pokefan4000 - I traded the Weavile already, Sorry. Rayquaza95 - PMed You Prof. Shinx -...
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    TwinS (United States) Share trade experieces here.
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    TwinS Trading Thread. Looking for Digimon World 3

    I can only update this once a week and on Thursday so Im sorry if I dont get to you right away. Rules: PLEASE DO NOT ASK ME TO "CML" If its not on my WANTS list I probably dont WANT it. I go by the ref rule. Me and my freind have a total of 21 refs. Look at my Profile to find out more. I...