Search results

  1. infinitekhaos

    DarkGon (Flygon + Weavile + Umbreon)

    So I've made a few more small changes. Upped the BTS count back to 3 and took out 1-1 Slowking line for a second Uxie and a Premier Ball. I kind of want to get either another Judge or a Looker's in here, maybe even some Trickery's again but I have no idea what I could take out. Maybe a 1-1...
  2. infinitekhaos

    DarkGon (Flygon + Weavile + Umbreon)

    I actually had a 2-2 Slowking line in my first version of this deck and I didn't like it too much but that was before I added in the Flygon line. However I just tested it in the current version and it worked really well. I got the Slowking/Flygon X combo going consistently and it really cripples...
  3. infinitekhaos

    DarkGon (Flygon + Weavile + Umbreon)

    Pokemon - 25 3-2-3-1 Flygon Lv. X (RR) 2-2 Weavile (UD) 1-1 Slowking (HGGS) 2-2 Umbreon (UD) 3 Spiritomb (AR) 1 Uxie (LA) 1 Azelf (LA) Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums - 24 3 Pokemon Collector 3 Seeker 2 Bebe's Search 3 Broken Time-Space 2 Pokemon Communication 2 Expert Belt 2 Rare Candy 2...