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  1. L

    Illustration Rare Braviary, Bruxish from Paradise Dragona!

    I just want pretty arts. I'm sure we will get the dragons we want later down the line.
  2. L

    Illustration Rare Braviary, Bruxish from Paradise Dragona!

    I kinda like it when they give unpopular or forgotten Pokemon some spotlight I rather this than a duplicate like Arachuladon or Joltik
  3. L

    SIR Briar, IR Archaludon from Stellar Miracle!

    I have never been a trainer super fan myself. Hence why I did a IR and SIR themed pokedex binder. Don't have to worry about trainers, FAS or collecting all sets
  4. L

    Cradily, Lileep, Antique Root Fossil from Stellar Miracle!

    Exact same here haha great minds and all
  5. L

    Cradily, Lileep, Antique Root Fossil from Stellar Miracle!

    Same but English ARs. I rather this than a double up (e.g. I have the Zeoara Chilling Reign AR so the new one in SM is a pass for me)