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  1. Steen

    “Heat Wave Arena” All 63 Main Set Cards Revealed!

    Your proposition is duly noted. Safeguard Pokémon as a whole are mainly a gust/tech check to unoptimized decks. While Safeguard will become stronger with the departure of Cancelling Cologne, I doubt Mimikyu or Mysterious Shield Aegislash will become super popular as Fire types are also getting...
  2. Steen

    “Heat Wave Arena” All 63 Main Set Cards Revealed!

    Ethan's Ho-Oh is the best Fire type generator in a long time and Cynthia box will absolutely be BDIF once the Mega set drops with the friggin' Fighting damage boosting item. Yanmega ex is possibly the best Grass type attacker in this entire generation and it can move those energies to other...
  3. Steen

    “Heat Wave Arena” All 63 Main Set Cards Revealed!

    It has one retreat so Rescue Board is perfect for it pivoting with other Yanmega, the attack itself is baller and it lets you move energies to other Grass types like Venusaur ex. Two Lilligant (if that card ever reaches the west) will boost its attack to 250 letting it handle basically any basic...
  4. Steen

    “Pokemon Card Game MEGA” Trademarked, Goodbye “Scarlet & Violet!”

    Welp, Scarlet & Violet is ending off with a pretty half-assed Tera lineup and a pretty decent selection of Owner's right now. At the very least, Z-A TCG sets will start at some point in the 4th quarter because I highly doubt the game itself would arrive any earlier. With that in mind, I can...
  5. Steen

    Cynthia’s Garchomp ex Special Illustration Rare Revealed from “Heat Wave Arena!”

    There's a legit good amount of owner's Pokémon that are perfectly fine standalone and as individual archetypes. Hop Box as well as Hop's Pincurchin ex are nice, Lillie's Clefairy ex will be mandatory for any decks that use Psychic energy in any capacity to deal with Dragon types and Underdepths...
  6. Steen

    Mega Lucario ex and Mega Gardevoir ex Revealed, Different Than the Original Mechanic!

    Since Mega Charizard X and I assume Y are confirmed to return, then Venusaur and Blastoise should also get them. Mega Charizard Y is going to be the only good one out of the bunch since it can potentially use Ethan's Ho-Oh and Armarouge to accelerate if necessary or it can tag alongside TeraZard...
  7. Steen

    Mega Lucario ex and Mega Gardevoir ex Revealed, Different Than the Original Mechanic!

    I have so many questions. How in the hell will basic Mega ex Pokemon like Mewtwo and Mawile, god forbid Rayquaza, be sized for their HP? Because I'm not sure if I'm mentally prepared for 280 HP Mega Mewtwo X and 260 HP Mega Mewtwo Y. Also why not just place the evolutions on top of prior ex's...
  8. Steen

    Ponyta and Rapidash from Heat Wave Arena!

    Would be good after we lose Dodrio's Zooming Draw and Gholdengo, but I can't justify its use even if you set up three of these with underdepths when Dodrio can actually use the self damage to its benefit and even Dundunsparce is around for two more years.
  9. Steen

    Ethan’s Pinsir & Ethan’s Sudowoodo from Heat Wave Arena!

    I guess Sudowoodo can be a more casual friendly tech to absolutely nuke specific decks but eh. Both are bulk.
  10. Steen

    Teal, Hearthflame, Wellspring, and Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon from Heat Wave Arena!

    Unfortunately bulk but Ogerpon is my favorite Gen 9 Pokémon so I'm gonna get them all.
  11. Steen

    Cynthia’s Garchomp ex and More from “Heat Wave Arena” Revealed!

    You could use both individual evolution lines but I explain why it's probably not necessary in the next quote. Yeah I honestly don't think it's necessary to run Tera. Just attaching for turn is enough but if you really want coverage from Spiritomb you could probably get away with adding a few...
  12. Steen

    Cynthia’s Garchomp ex and More from “Heat Wave Arena” Revealed!

    ... Okay. So Cynthia Box is usable immediately 1. Roserade boosts the crap out of Garchomp. 2. This Garchomp ex is honestly kind of okay on its own but. 3. The tool is straight up busted. 400 HP Garchomp ex without an ACE SPEC. 4. She has her own Balloon Blast. Literally use Tera Garchomp to...
  13. Steen

    “Heat Wave Arena” Set Revealed Featuring Misty, Ethan, Cynthia, and Arven’s Pokemon!

    At first I thought Ethan Box would just be a thing even though it being all fire types is pretty awful cause Chien Pao is gonna get some room to breathe, but then I remembered both Fire Off Armarouge and Scorching Bazooka Armarouge ex exist from two formats ago. Earthen Vessel & Retrievals and...
  14. Steen

    “Lillie Premium Tournament Collection” Revealed for April!

    Do... Do they think Lillie's Clefairy will be really popular?? Cause it won't be popular here, lmao. They should've just gone with Sada's Vitality because of how busted it is for Bolt and Moon.
  15. Steen

    It’s Still You! — Charizard’s Identity Crisis in a World of Budew

    Gimme the reigns, I make really funny rogue decks on Live all the time so it'd be cool to share a few
  16. Steen

    Pokemon Center Implementing a New Queue System, Presumably to Combat Bots!

    This system won't do anything except make it more difficult for actual people to secure products and take more time for scalpers' bots to hoard products. Requiring something like a government issued ID to even access the site is also just as bad since spoofing/forging an ID is a thing and it...
  17. Steen

    A Budding Broken Deck — Terapagos Loves Budew!

    I love this slower format cause it lets me play Hydreigon ex in relative peace but if someone actually stalls with Budew then it actually starts to feel awful since half of my setup revolves around items at this time. I use a combination of Janine's and Dark Patch because of Budew.
  18. Steen

    Steven’s Metagross ex and Marnie’s Grimmsnarl ex Decks Revealed!

    Metal Maker already is a good accelerator to a Hop Box deck, I mainly say Metagross is a good partner since you already use a lot of Metal energies and you can slot in Lillie's Clefairy as a counter to the few Dragon cards that will still have a presence after rotation.
  19. Steen

    Steven’s Metagross ex and Marnie’s Grimmsnarl ex Decks Revealed!

    That Metagross is actually solid, but I can only really see it be used as a partner for Archaludon. No synergy with Mamoswine ex, and it would be kinda redundant in Gardevoir. Maybe in the future when a more aggressive Metal type comes out it could see more use.
  20. Steen

    Special English Set Releasing in July, Could Be “Black Bolt” and “White Flare!”

    A very mid gap filler so far on top of that. EDIT: Well ok, so far the most practical applications I can see with the Trainers are using Hop's Pincurchin in Miraidon, Lillie's Clefairy in Gardy, and N's Zoroark in Raging Bolt (if my theory of it making it obscenely fast in a slower meta is...