Search results

  1. A

    Eelekrom for States

    So yeah, I'm pretty bad at this game :D and wouldn't mind some help with the deck. It's powerful, sure, but I feel it can be tweaked just a little bit more before States this Saturday. 14 Pokemon 2/1 - 3 Tynamo/Eelektrik (NV38/NV39/NV40) 3 Zekrom 1 Zekrom EX 2 Terrakion NV 1 Zapdos ND 1...
  2. A

    Chenlock (Masters, Cities)

    ...Anyone? Hello? Bueller? XP Seriously, though, there are a decent amount of views to the thread, even something as little as "tl;dr" would at least let me know not to be wasting my time seeing if there are any helpful criticisms.
  3. A

    Chenlock (Masters, Cities)

    Figured now would be as good a time as any to throw up my list. 3 Sableye SF 1 Sableye UD 2-2 Garchomp C Lv. X 1-1 Blaziken FB Lv. X 2 Crobat G 2 Honchkrow G 2 Uxie LA 1 Azelf LA 1 Dragonite FB 1 Toxicroak G Promo 1 Chatot G 4 Cyrus's Conspiracy 2 Cyrus's Initiative 2 Judge 1...