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  1. L

    DPPt/HGSS I need all the starter pokemon is any one willing to trade

    Yes, of course it just came out of the egg. Just let me know when you want to trade it
  2. L

    Wi-Fi Trades Photography93's My Player Thread - I've got Nuggets! and Breeding, Just for You!

    I've got a Cindaquil, Shieldon and Bagon for your Shroomish, Pinneco and Lileep.
  3. L

    DPPt/HGSS My Box Party! (Free Pokemon!)

    I'd like Serious Regigas and Spiritomb please
  4. L

    DPPt/HGSS I need all the starter pokemon is any one willing to trade

    I'll trade a Cindaquil for a Piplup.
  5. L

    DPPt/HGSS I would really really like a Bagon please!

    I have a Bagon, can you get me a Chikorita?