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  1. L

    Which cards do you want to be reprinted?

    Um... Shadow Lugia. Yes.
  2. L

    Platinum Arceus Theme Deck Questions

    Whether or not you get Arceus Lv. X's in a theme deck will only matter to collectors, Arceus isn't going to see much play in the competitive world.
  3. L

    Best set released so far

    RE: What will the new "best" deck be with PA? Well, it's hard to make predictions after prerelease; I can see how taking three (potentially four if the defender is equipped with expert belt) prizes with Sally X can be appealing to some players, myself included...
  4. L

    pulling Arceus'?

    Even so, you have a better chance at getting this set's advertised card than, say, Rising Rivals's advertised card (Rotom)
  5. L

    Best set released so far

    RE: What will the new "best" deck be with PA? ^^I agree mostly, Salamence could become a decent deck, but this set doesn't really introduce many game changers or staple cards except for maybe expert belt, for all of those people who like taking high-risk, high-reward chances with their decks...
  6. L

    Best set released so far

    RE: What will the new "best" deck be with PA? My money's on Gengar or Salamence, but my personal favorite is Gengar. Tank with a Dusknoir (Promonoir is my favorite), activate Ectoplasm, then bring in Gengar Lv. X to finish the job. It's hard to bead that spread, especially if you throw in...
  7. L

    Cell Phone Mishaps

    My phone occasionally "fails" to send text messages. I'd wager, about 18% of the time, I'll just get an error message. But the worst is when I get people ticked off at me because I closed my phone before the "message success" screen came up and the text wasn't sent, so they think I was ignoring...
  8. L

    Windows 7 or vista..?

    Your laptop will probably come with Vista; that's the standard nowadays for most new laptops. If it's an older model, you might see XP running. You don't "buy" systems, one comes preloaded onto the computer (it kinda has to, otherwise the computer wouldn't do anything). If your laptop comes...
  9. L

    Lv. X Ratio question

    I skimmed through the threads and watched the videos, and... ...that's really confusing. I'm just trying to figure out a rough ratio of Lv. X's per boxes, because it's comforting to know that I have a 1 in whatever chance of pulling a super rare card. I respect all the hard work done by...
  10. L

    Lv. X Ratio question

    Is it at all possible to start a stickied thread (or poll) where everyone (if they feel like it, but the bigger data pool, the better) posts what packs they buy, and whether or not they obtain a Lv. X, SH card, GREAT card, or LEGEND Card (looking to the future), and then compile the results into...
  11. L

    Lv. X Ratio question

    Perhaps something that we could perform on this forum? Have everyone post what value pack they bought on a stickied thread, whether or not they pulled a Lv. X, then calculate percentages. Yay for math!
  12. L

    Lv. X Ratio question

    I heard somewhere that there is an X:Y ratio of Lv. X cards to Booster Packs, i.e. 1:18 representing 1 card per 18 packs... Is there a ratio? Does this differ from series to series? I wanted to know because my friends and I just ordered a LA booster box and I, being the math nerd that I am...
  13. L

    Ruling Uxie LA Question

    Thanks a lot! I was pretty sure that I wouldn't want to play it during set up anyway, but this sealed it.
  14. L

    Ruling Uxie LA Question

    I apologize deeply if this was asked before; I ran a forum search and checked compendium and the FAQs here, but found nothing, so here goes: If I play an Uxie from my hand to the bench during the original match setup (i.e., when you draw 7 cards, place prizes, etc., if I wasn't explaining...