RE: Back To School!! O_o
Just finished my first week today. I go till June 2nd but there will probable be a few snow days in the winter to push it up. Man I'm in 8th and already starting Algebra 1.
Darkrai eventually loses to Sceptile and Takuto sends out Latios which easily finishes Sceptile. Ash then uses Swellow which gets taken out by Latios's Giga Impact. Eventually it falls to Pikachu however taking our Pikachu at the same time giving Takuto the win.
I just got the game a few days ago. It is AMAZING! I'm only HR 4 at the moment. I remember how much I freaked out the first time I got chased by Lagiacrus in the monster guts mission. That thing is pretty freaky when your a new player.
I think it would be safe to say day/night will be in it. I don't like the TM's being able to be used more then once. We are still getting more scans of new Pokemon, am I correct?
RE: (1) August CoroCoro Scans Leaking - Several New Pokemon! [8/7]
Am I the only one who likes the plant thing? In my opinion he looks like he could have a neat evolve form. There are many more scans coming, right?
My favorite is Gallade. I really love Psychic types and in my opinion swords are the coolest looking melee weapons so that is probably where the favoritism came from.
RE: Murder VI - The Quest. Day 3 ends 8th August 2 PM GMT. Look for the Blue key. Userbars for all playing!
OoC: Can someone please explain what I missed? Thanks in advance!
I'm going back on the 30th. I'm going into 8th grade. I go to a private Catholic school. I'm looking forward to going back, yet at the same time I wish I didn't have to go back so soon.
RE: Murder VI - The Quest. Night 2 ends 2nd August 12 PM GMT. Look for the Red and Green keys. Userbars for all playing!
OoC: Sorry I was away for a week. I'll try to keep active now.
RE: Big Brother: Oh Brother Not Again! Who do you want to evict: Richkid or sonicyellow? You have until 8/2/10. Sponsore
Sorry I was gone! I was at camp for a week. I'll try to keep active now.
RE: Murder VI - The Quest. Day 1 ends 28th July 12 PM GMT.
You need to be smart to know it's the dots if it is. Metagross starts with a M and has the brain of a supercomputer. Vote: fortegoddx
RE: Murder VI - The Quest. Day 1 ends 28th July 12 PM GMT.
"I shall wait before voting. Just because he doesn't care, doesn't mean he is the one. We need more clues."