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  1. F

    Ruling New Format

    What sets are out this routation?
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    **CATBUS** ****Gold Star Central**** Just in: Gyarados *, JPN/1st Ed.

    RE: * C A T B U S * W: Stars and EXs H: JPN Jumpluffs, Spiritombs, Luxray GLX, Primes trade you MY: Registeel Star UR: Garchomp c lv x promo
  3. F


    +1 amazing trader
  4. F

    Tyler_pwn's Trade Thread Have: A Lot Want: Unleashed!

    RE: Tyler_pwn's Trade Thread Have: HG/SS, Wants: Inside! 13 makicarp for 1 rare candy
  5. F


    +1 great trader
  6. F

    Frog H.'s Trade Thread H. LUXARY GL

    deal infinity fang
  7. F

    /\/\AKE A \/\/ISH

    RE: ***Make A Wish*** trade you my prime typhlsion for flygon X?
  8. F

    Frog H.'s Trade Thread H. LUXARY GL

    i need palkia G
  9. F

    Frog H.'s Trade Thread H. LUXARY GL

    RE: Frog H.'s Trade Thread (W) magmortar X,heatran X,Gengar X Dusknoir X... no thanks
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    Frog H.'s Trade Thread H. LUXARY GL

    RE: Frog H.'s Trade Thread (W) magmortar X,heatran X,Gengar X Dusknoir X sorry no
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    Frog H.'s Trade Thread H. LUXARY GL

    RE: Frog H.'s Trade Thread ya i got some
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    Frog H.'s Trade Thread H. LUXARY GL

    USA Rules 1. No scam 2. lowest rep send first 3. more stars more i want 4. only listing rare 5. Mint Condition to near mint must be send in sleeve of some sort wants: (* Low want,** Medium Want,***High want,**** Humungo Want) 1x Dusknoir Lv.X**** xX Rare Candy *** xX rosannase's ** 2x palkia G...
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    AMAZING!!!! i sent his cards yesterday and i got mine today WOW!!!!!! i wish i could give if +2 but cant +1!!
  14. F

    H: FLYGON X, UXIE X, X2 Cressy X, Dialga G X, Sally X, Arceus X, Glace X, X2 Landmin X, Chomp X

    RE: emoto's trade thread H: Landmin X, Garchomp X, Vire FB X, Machamp X and much more! ill trade you 2 machop SF, 2 machoke SF, and a empolean lv X non tin for Delcatty PL 1 2 rare candy(any kind good) and flotzel gl lv[hr] ill trade you 2 machop SF, 2 machoke SF, and a empolean lv X non tin...