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  1. okami69

    (1) August's English Set: 'HS - Undaunted' [6/5]

    u serious? u don't see the synergy? mew displaces gengar into lost zone, now all mew has the attach gengar has which lets you look into ur opponents hand and look for a pokemon and put it in the lost zone. Not only is this super disruptive especially if they can't evolve their pokemon in time...
  2. okami69

    Where do you guys get your cards?

    but apparently luxray everywhere is around 30-50already tho...
  3. okami69

    Where do you guys get your cards?

    great list of places guys =D thanks. Too bad most of the cards i want are out of stock T T[hr] Haha, thats awesome. If I could find a close league without costing me a leg for gas I'll do the same xD
  4. okami69

    Where do you guys get your cards?

    Most of my friends are starting out, and each of us have been looking around where to buy cards. We bought some theme decks and some booster packs, and saw our decks to be rather pathetic. Does anyone have any suggestions on where to get cards for a good price? Online payments are okay to us...