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  1. BlueShuckle

    Gyarados Deck! (Masters, Cities)

    Play Collector over Call Energy and Sableye SF over Smeargle, as you can get Magikarp to your hand as well as Azelf or Regice. With Call Energy you'd have to put them directly onto the bench, and there is a smaller chance of getting out a Call Energy than either drawing a Collector or...
  2. BlueShuckle

    Is the cartoon even any good any more?

    I'd say the quality of the plot has gone down, but I still get a nostalgic feeling when I watch it in the morning. I remember last week there was a Johto marathon and I thought, these episodes are SO much better than the new ones. Anyways, I do think that the anime is getting worse. >.>...
  3. BlueShuckle

    I pulled something cool from a booster pack!

    RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic. I remember when I pulled a Charizard * a year or two ago on the car ride home. At that time I didn't know that there were such things as star/shining cards, so I freaked out. One of my best TCG memories.