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  1. Kanade

    Standard M-Alakazam EX Post Rotation

    Hi guys, since it's already time to build new decks for the current standard format, I need to know if M-Alakazam deck can still run and be competitive... I noticed how vital it is to lose the access to Dimension Valley, slowing this deck so badly... Can we get around this?... Can this guy...
  2. Kanade

    Ruling Can Pokemon BREAK Evolve on the Same Turn as Their Previous Evolution?

    Can they? Can I BREAK Evo my Greninja if it was just evolved this turn? Also, I'd like to ask for a basic ruling since doing some reading (of the old formats) confuses me. About the rule of going first turn, aside from not being able to attack and evolve, is it true that we also cannot play any...
  3. Kanade

    BW/BW2 What you want in generation 5

    Rapidash evolution, a Firewing Pegasus.... That'd be grand and lovely <3
  4. Kanade

    BW/BW2 New Evolutions for Generation 5

    I agree!... Need more fresh Pokemon!... Even so, I still want a new eeveeoultions Oh, and nice idea... Ice Dragon would be a beautiful and elegant addition to my team XD
  5. Kanade

    BW/BW2 The starter for you!

    I'm almost certain on choosing the Fire Piglet... I don't think even the evolution will change my mind, except there is some super awesome design in the other's evolution line...