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  1. SQUIRTLETamer08

    Annoying Commercials

    I hate the shake weight commercials. i mean really, who believes that?
  2. SQUIRTLETamer08

    (3) English Names Confirmed, 3DS Date and Price, Best Wishes' English Name [1/19]

    @pokemon trainer rob-I see. It is a nice color. I am sure they will release a white 3DS eventually. Red will most likely appear in a Mario bundle. Maybe purple for Metroid (as blue will already be out). Dang I gotta save me some money. I gotta get the new Iphone coming out for Verizon...
  3. SQUIRTLETamer08

    (3) English Names Confirmed, 3DS Date and Price, Best Wishes' English Name [1/19]

    Rob- You a University of Texas fan? Burnt Orange? Just making a connection. I myself am a UT fan. But you gotta remember when the Wii was first shown Nintendo was showing off green, red, white, black, and orange systems too. Same with the PS3's white and silver versions. Who knows if the...
  4. SQUIRTLETamer08

    BW/BW2 Pokémon Grey?

    I believe it is fairly obvious that there will be a 3rd Isshu game in the coming year. No reason there wouldn't be as every other generation had a 3rd game. What will it involve? Just put Reshiram and Zekrom in the same game and include a piece of land not available in the original Isshu...
  5. SQUIRTLETamer08

    BW/BW2 Is anyone else disappointed that the first lightning/bug wasn't a lightning bug?

    Sabett- I concur, now that I think about it a moth design is a bit generic. Yet I can't help but feel as though there are more ways to take a moth and pokefy it than a beetle. It seems as though you know more about insects than the average person, so I am sure you would have plenty of ideas to...
  6. SQUIRTLETamer08

    BW/BW2 Is anyone else disappointed that the first lightning/bug wasn't a lightning bug?

    That's not what he or she meant. They were saying why does it matter if the first electric/bug or fire/bug pokemon doesn't relate to a real life counterpart? I understand the lightning bug concern, but I dont see it as too big of one. Yes it would have mde sense to make the first...
  7. SQUIRTLETamer08

    BW/BW2 Petition to make Nintendo revoke their decision

    Why not? Sign me up as well. Hopefully Nintendo will see the mistake they are making.
  8. SQUIRTLETamer08

    BW/BW2 Can This Be The 3rd Legend Mascot-UPD Pokemon's Name

    It is fairly obvious this will be the pokemon on the cover for the 3rd 5th generation game. I personally like it as is, but to please some of the haters I wouldn't be surprised if an alternate form showed up next year. And it was never stated that the 3rd dragon would have 3 heads. You are...
  9. SQUIRTLETamer08

    BW/BW2 A New Area To Visit After You Beat The Pokemon League In Isshu Rumor-(UPD1)-(UPD2)

    RE: A New Area To Visit After You Beat The Pokemon League In The Isshu Region Rumor-(UPD) Dont think the orre being based off of Arizona idea is true. However I could be wrong. Frostwind- Do you have a link that shows a confirmation of no pre-isshu pokemon in the games whatsoever? I...
  10. SQUIRTLETamer08

    BW/BW2 A New Area To Visit After You Beat The Pokemon League In Isshu Rumor-(UPD1)-(UPD2)

    RE: A New Area To Visit After You Beat The Pokemon League In The Isshu Region (Rumor) Some of you are terribly misinformed. It was only stated that there would be no pre-Isshu pokemon before the E4. Thanks to this revelation we are able to conclude there will be old pokemon within the game...
  11. SQUIRTLETamer08

    (1) Leaked 'Black' and 'White' Pokemon Information [9/10]

    Quite disappointed that Pokabu's evolutions are fire/fighting. Three generations of fire/fighting starters is too much! Would have liked Mijumaru's evolutions to end up with a secondary fighting typing instead. Besides that I am pretty much pleased with the fifth generation. A polar bear...
  12. SQUIRTLETamer08

    BW/BW2 Starter Evolutions confirmation.

    I for one am happy the Sea Lion is evolution is real. The shell on its head/neck is pretty cool. Question: even if the final evolution isn't bipedal could it still be water/fighting as stated in this article that it would use its horn similarly to a katana? Pokabu's final evolution is...
  13. SQUIRTLETamer08

    BW/BW2 Another Pokemon To Accompany The Monkey Trio

    Awesomer? It's not really a word but I'll bite. In which ways are these monkeys more "awesomer" than plusle and minun?
  14. SQUIRTLETamer08

    BW/BW2 What's inside?

    Well technically, the August issue came out in July. We are now waiting for the October issue to leak. (Thought everyone knew that). Anyways, I believe it was stated the October issue would reveal a large amount of new pokemon, so if true, that is what I am looking most forward too. I love...
  15. SQUIRTLETamer08

    BW/BW2 Another Pokemon To Accompany The Monkey Trio

    Exactly. These pokemon were only created to showcase the new triple battles. Plusle and Minun did not recieve an evolution, why should these elemental monkey's be any different?
  16. SQUIRTLETamer08

    BW/BW2 First 4 gym badges revealed.

    Dang I was hoping no one else got the snip it picture of these. I was hoping to make a thread for this. Guess that's what happens when you aren't proactive enough. This picture does put to rest many of the gym leader rumors floating around, and I couldn't be happier. 1st gym -grass...
  17. SQUIRTLETamer08

    BW/BW2 Dento's typing revealed?

    Anime does not equal videogames (save for Yellow Version). Blue(Gary) had 3 variations for his team yet was shown with a Blastoise in the anime. All the writers would have to do is pick just one of Dentos teams. It still works out.
  18. SQUIRTLETamer08

    BW/BW2 Legendary Moves

    RE: Super Moves...Maybe Oh the hypocrisy. Failling? I think you mean failing. Anyways, I really like the Blackout idea frostwind, pretty catchy. Maybe Zekrom's could be Voltage shock? Creating names for attacks are always difficult.
  19. SQUIRTLETamer08

    BW/BW2 Will Victory Road Return In BW

    I concur. Hoenstly I would rather have the new Victory Road by much bigger. It takes about 10 minutes to go through the whole thing, and usually most people can get through it in 1-2 tries. Make it harder. I say extend the "Road" and involve a forest. The victory road could satart off in a...
  20. SQUIRTLETamer08

    Well nintedo give one reagin two forsts?

    Oh the spelling made me laugh. In all the Reagan's. (Couldn't help but think of our past president.) I would love more forests. Sure we would have to deal with an increase of bug type pokemon running into us, but with such an inclusion the game would feel a bit more realistic. One main...