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  1. S

    Worst Way to Lose a Game

    Start Unknown Q with an amazing hand for Metagross (last format, the one with the power where you'd flip and if heads you chose which Pokemon for your opponent to make active), your opponent goes first. Start Garchomp C, attach DCE, I forget the name of the attack for 30. Then he says good game...
  2. S

    Of course! Friend is like, proper grammar and enlgish and whatnot. L A M E . When you say...

    Of course! Friend is like, proper grammar and enlgish and whatnot. L A M E . When you say bestfraaaaand, it's like, more legit and official.
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    YOU BETTER WIN TOMORROW(: oh and merry christmas:P so much for keeping that ripped sleeve I gave...

    YOU BETTER WIN TOMORROW(: oh and merry christmas:P so much for keeping that ripped sleeve I gave you...
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    HenryP's 2011-2012 Cities! 21 down. Done for the season.

    RE: HenryP's 2011-2012 Cities! 14 down 10 to go! Don't mock my whining voiceeeee haha Henry let me win the city todaaaay! My whining didn't work :( And tsk tsk, don't rage at Gengar kid Henry!;P We don't need a repeat of the intense card flicking.
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    HenryP's 2011-2012 Cities! 21 down. Done for the season.

    RE: HenryP's 2011-2012 Cities! 14 down 10 to go! Hahaha I know right, the blonde hair must automatically make people question me! It's okay, I know you're just jealous ;P
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    HenryP's 2011-2012 Cities! 21 down. Done for the season.

    RE: HenryP's 2011-2012 Cities! 14 down 10 to go! Henry had to be a jerk and beat me twice for two of those first places! Haha just kidding, I always seem to get trash hands only against you, and you're like, the only person who would shuffle my deck. Hmmmm. Anyways, nice meeting you new...
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    T8 Senior Regionals Report (Orlando, Florida)

    Congrats! THANKS FOR PUTTING ME IN YOUR PROPS:D The same thing happened to me when I battle him in Top 4. Scoop Game 1, destroy him in Game 2, and I whiffed on the energy I needed Game 3. Nice meeting you!
  8. S

    Afro-G, I've been soooooo busy with school! Haha all the battle roads this weekend are like 3...

    Afro-G, I've been soooooo busy with school! Haha all the battle roads this weekend are like 3 hours away from me so I've got this weekend off. But I went 3-2 at another battle road. I started pachi and then I lost on my opponents second turn since he got the Donphan out and I didn't get anymore...
  9. S

    Hey!(: sorry I haven't been on here in forever. I actually won the battle road today:) got 4th...

    Hey!(: sorry I haven't been on here in forever. I actually won the battle road today:) got 4th at another one. 3-2 at another one. And 1-2 at one. Ran ZPSt today and I'm running that tomorrow too. How are battle roads going for you?
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    Pokemon Official Coolest & Favorite Pokemon Thread

    <===== Wailord. Enough said. Giant whale. Not the best card in the TCG but I had a deck that worked pretty well. Everyone hated the high HP and attack >:D
  11. S

    the worst moment of your life

    More bad stuff happened to me today! :D A grape attacked me during lunch, I knocked my friends lunch tray over, and a huge paper bag over. At the end of the day, I was walking and I tripped over flat ground and ran in to a wall in front of a bunch of Seniors. They were like "Hey it's nosebleed...
  12. S

    the worst moment of your life

    At Florida States this year I started with Unown Q and went first. If I won I would top cut. I got donked by a Garchomp with a DCE >.< CURSE YOU UNOWN Q!!! Today sucked too. It's only the second day of school, and when I was working on a worksheet in Geometry blood started gushing out of my...
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    Facebook "Destroyed" Nov 5th

    If Facebook gets destroyed it will destroy me too :( it's the only way I can communicate with so many friends from pokemon, friends in other states, and people that go to my school that I don't have classes with. My friend at league told me that it's bad to 'like' certain pages on Facebook...
  14. S

    Yeah it's been working really great for me. Jirachi is like Devoluter, which was my favorite...

    Yeah it's been working really great for me. Jirachi is like Devoluter, which was my favorite card. I had it in all my decks just for fun and it won me SO many games. So I really like Jirachi.
  15. S

    Cris, thank you!(:

    Cris, thank you!(:
  16. S

    Haha thank you!(: it was an awesome day. But I'm not going to Worlds :( I have enough money to...

    Haha thank you!(: it was an awesome day. But I'm not going to Worlds :( I have enough money to go by myself and I know a bunch of people that are going but I think it's like illegal for me to travel by myself cause I'm a minor right? Oh wellllll. I would have played Kingdra/Yanmega with a...
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    Annoying Commercials

    I hate the education connection commercials SO much! >.< I just got done watching a new Degrassi and there was a NEW education connection commercial, but this one was different. Instead of doing it online, your actually gonna go to a school for your degree O: now its just a referral service. But...
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    hahaha fine with me. I think your the first person that has added me to their buddy list ^.^ i...

    hahaha fine with me. I think your the first person that has added me to their buddy list ^.^ i didn't even know there was a buddy list. but i'll add you to mine too hahaha(:
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    Yeah, when I had to change my sleeves for Top 64 he was in line too. Kevin was a few people...

    Yeah, when I had to change my sleeves for Top 64 he was in line too. Kevin was a few people behind me and he was singing a song with my friend Jason and I was like what? But it was funny. And yeah I remember the Vespiqueen now. Yeah that does sound really good against Yanmega now that you...
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    Oh okay. Thanks!(:

    Oh okay. Thanks!(: