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    The Official StellaTheSneasel Art Thread! [BIKUTINI WALLPAPER ADDED!]

    RE: The Official StellaTheSneasel Art Thread! Thanks~ I bet it'll be really pretty~
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    BW/BW2 Reshiram or Zekrom?

    Well, I don't really like either of them but Reshiram has a cooler name.
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    BW/BW2 Black vs. White: Humans vs. Nature

    Well, if I wasn't excited enough for B/W, I sure am now. I'll get White just for you N *_____________* ♥ I'm a city person but the N fangirl inside makes me want White more.
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    Why Did You Join PokéBeach?

    RE: Why'd you join PokeBeach? Honestly, it's because of the drama between this place and another that happened a couple days ago :v That and I hadn't been on a Pokemon board in a while.
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    The Official StellaTheSneasel Art Thread! [BIKUTINI WALLPAPER ADDED!]

    RE: The Official StellaTheSneasel Art Thread! May I pretty please have an antromorph shiny Milotic? EDIT: I just now saw your above post so don't worry about it. Packing up is the worst @_@
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    Survey: Need at least 5 people

    Question 1: Name: Steffyn Age: 20 Question 2: Rate the following choices in order of importance: Time with family Study time Time with friends Question 3: On a scale from one to five, one being none and 5 being a plethora, indicate how much pressure you receive from your friends to do something...
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    Where do you like to eat

    I like Taco Bell, Burger King and McDonald's. The fast food where I live is actually really high quality unlike some places. Taco Bell has the best chicken burritos ever ♥ And the Burger King that I usually go to has really good burgers but the milkshakes are too thick. A good friend of...
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    Cloudy Wings Sprite Shop

    Pokemon: Gardevoir, Shaymin, and Milotic Colour: Milotic and Gardevoir colors do you want a video: whatwat do you want a cookie: yes prz. do you know the muffin man: Yes. He's currently my muffin slave.
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    Why that username?

    I picked Ouvre le Chien because I'm a big David Bowie fan and the song that this phrase comes from is my favorite Bowie song of all.
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    BW/BW2 What starter will you choose?

    I'll take fierce little Tsutaaja for sure.