At first, I was against the whole dropping of EX pokemon. (It's not been confirmed, but I doubt they will return.) However after looking at some of those Stage 2 pokemon it looks like rather than having 1 or 2 superpowered pokemon EX, they are balancing the playing ground and making almost...
Are those Delcatty PK or Delcatty EX's? (I'm guessing PK to assist with drawing.) I've had a lot of people tell me the threat of crystal shard is a limited threeat so I've been seriously thinking of dumping to a 1-0 -1 Blastoise D. (Maybe 1-1-1 for saftey... I've yet to decide.)
I like your...
This is one of my favorite cards in the modified format. It works great even if the opponet is attempting to stall and sends out somthing weak to absorb the 150 attack. If they do that the you just hit their entire bench for 30. (If they have a full bench or 4 is when I use this attack.)
RE: The official Super Smash Brawl thread/characters.
I could see Mii being a possibile character. It could be like a create a character mode.
For those who have played Guilty Gear Isuka (I'll be suprised if anybody here has...) It could work like Robo-Ky II.
You start out with no...
My stupidest mistake occured when using my "Ultimate Attack" Gyarados * deck. I had a skitty and Delcatty EX in the hand but forgot to lay down my skitty so I could evolve it next turn. Had Mew EX use Gyarados*'s Going-All-Out Blast and got down to 1 card. Ended up decking a game I would have...
Very tough choice...
I love Emerald to death, but I also loved playing Crystal. I'm going to have to choose Emerald as my favorite, but if they remade Crystal (Which they won't as there is no need for them too...) it would be my favorite.
I'd have to go with pretty much any special energy cards. (Specificaly Multi.) I already have enough special energy cards to build my decks. I get an empty feeling deep inside every time I see one of those cursed energy cards in a booster pack...:(
Another good way to see what the actual cash value of a card is to do a quick search on eBay and see what people are willing to pay for it. However it is important to check only items with actual bids on them as buy it nows do not have any bids and are inacurate indicators of the cards actual value.
I don't remember the exact details as I opened my 1st pack at a pre-release, but my first pack had a Charizard and a Steven's Advice. However I didn't pull an ex until after the pre-release was over... (I pulled a Claydol EX)
I think Dragon Frontiers is the best set made so far. Almost every pokmeon (Especialy the EX's) in Dragon Frontiers is insanely strong, not to mention a slew of good trainers such as PETM, H. Mentor, Copycat, and more.
One starter I havn't seen listed yet is the new Mawile from Power Keepers. It has a decent 1st attack which lets you put pokemon on your bench and an awsome second attack which takes cards away from your opponets hand while dealing 20. This is an awsome anti-castform starter.