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  1. violent23

    Ruling special energy?

    say if i had a budew out then evolved to roselia can i put a special energy on him cause he is evolved?
  2. violent23

    Ruling double rainbow?

    if i use a double rainbow energy can it be two say fire energys or does it have to be 2 different energy like fire and then water?
  3. violent23

    Ruling Roselia E-reader?

    I have an Roselia e-reader card it's poke-body is thick skin first colorless move is speed growth second move 1 leaf energy sleep powder. I don't know where this card came from but i just got it is it still legal? It's 9/97 on the card.
  4. violent23

    Ruling venusaur cg question (going to league tonight need answer)

    thats what i thought thanks lieutenant.
  5. violent23

    Ruling venusaur cg question (going to league tonight need answer)

    Thats person, the whole point of this deck is to use boost. I'm not the first person using this deck. I have never heard anyone ever say his pokebody does not work with boost.
  6. violent23

    Ruling venusaur cg question (going to league tonight need answer)

    ok so my active pokemon is venusaur cg i am using green blast i have a grass energy and a react energy on him i put down a boost energy does the move do 70 damage if thats my only pokemon with energy on him? in other words do i count the energys needed to do the move in the first place.
  7. violent23

    Ruling new format?

    what is the new format going to be, is- is it dx on or something new, please let me know.
  8. violent23

    end of delta's?

    CodeVoodoo is right it is too exclusive. It's either all delta or none, and I hate the fact the only anti delta are delta as well.
  9. violent23

    Ruling pelliper?

    for delta transport if the active pokemon is delta and you want to switch with a pokemon on your bench that is not delta are you alowed to do that?
  10. violent23

    Ruling confused?

    If a pokemon is confused and I evolve it is it still confused?
  11. violent23

    Ruling Just want to make sure?

    cool, thnx
  12. violent23

    Ruling Just want to make sure?

    1. Draw a card (if you go first, you do not draw a card). 2. Now do any of these you want in whatever order you want. * Put Basic Pokémon cards on the Bench (as many as you want up to 5). * Evolve Pokémon (as many as you want, but not during your first turn). *...
  13. violent23

    new modified format

    so its not going to change this year?
  14. violent23

    new modified format

    After Power Keepers comes out what is the new format going to be?
  15. violent23

    Good deck ideas for typhlosion and typhlosion d.

    I was wondering what a good deck for typhlosion and typhlosion d would be? What would be a good strategy for him and what other pokemon to use. I like the idea of using a 2-2 milotic and a rockets mewtwo maybe a mewtwo delta aswell.
  16. violent23

    Ruling double spin question.

    so are these not good cards to use then?
  17. violent23

    Ruling double spin question.

    Does double spin do any damage if you get 2 tails? On donphan his double spin does 50x so if I get 2 tails does it still do 50?