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  1. Vesziel121

    Pokemon What is the cutiest Pokemon

    Castform! But I like Dragonair, Lapras and Altaria more than it.
  2. Vesziel121

    Pokemon Weird Evolutions

    Remoraid -> Octillery, the weirdest for me... Lombre -> Ludicolo, this one looks childish, Ludicolo looks like Spongebob's house...
  3. Vesziel121

    Pokemon Which animals missing??

    I think there's no roaches. I know there's a chicken Pokémon, but not a hen... Other: Fly, mosquito, goat, koala... the weird animal from Australia which has a duck peck... (in my country it's called ornitorrinco)
  4. Vesziel121

    Artist Review- Yuka Morii

    I like this artist, I love clay figures (I thought they were made of plastiline! XD) One of my faves is Tangela, but I like Slowbro and Wynaut too. And I don't think that Shellgon looks bad.
  5. Vesziel121

    Succumb To The Dark Side

    RE: Official Newbie Topic Hi everyone, I'm a newbie from Chile, and I hadn't played the TCG since six years ago... but I like the cards anyway. :)