Search results

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    Kingdra Prime (Masters - Cities)

    Ok, Uxie X is out, wasn't able to find one at league and I'm not about to drop 9,000 dollars for one on ebay. I was told 2-2 Donphan may be overkill. Thoughts and suggestions?
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    Kingdra Prime (Masters - Cities)

    OK, made a few changes, here's what it looks liek now. Pokemans: 18 4-3-4 Kingdra (3 Prime, 1 LA) 2-2 Donphan Prime 2 Uxie 1 Azelf T/S/S: 30 4x Bebe 4x PONT 4x Candy 2x Collector 2x Seeker 2x Communication 2x PlusPower 2x Warp Point 2x SSU 2x Expert Belt 2x BTS 1x...
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    Kingdra Prime (Masters - Cities)

    Good idea, but my son has already laid claim to our Dialga G X. I'll have to hope I don't run into Vileplume if I can't find another before next Saturday.
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    Kingdra Prime (Masters - Cities)

    @minimidget - Thanks for the pointers, I'll have to see what additional cards I can round up at league tomorrow to switch things up a bit. My son and I share a collection so we're both after a lot of the same trainers/supporters. What's your opinion on Seeker vs. SSU? I was thinking 2 of each...
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    Honchbat (senior's-cities championship)

    I'd try swapping out the Mesprit for another Crobat since he's your main attacker.
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    Kingdra Prime (Masters - Cities)

    Removed Judge, mainly had it in there because I was short on Oak's New Theory and needed some more draw power. Considering adding Uxie lvl. X but I'm on a budget so that one's up in the air.
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    Kingdra Prime (Masters - Cities)

    Updated List, thanks. Added Palmer as a filler for now until I scrounge up a few more cards. Wasn't even aware of Seeker, I guess I need to buy some more Triumphant cards. I take my son to league on Saturday, I'll see if I can pick up another Donphan and a few Seekers. Thanks!
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    Kingdra Prime (Masters - Cities)

    Pokemans: 17 4-3-4 Kingdra (3 Prime, 1 LA) 2-1 Donphan Prime 2 Uxie LA 1 Azelf LA T/S/S: 28 4x Bebe's Search 4x Rare Candy 2x Pokemon Collector 2x Emcee's Chatter 2x Professor Oak's New Theory 2x Professor Elm's Training Method 2x Warp Point 2x Super Scoop Up 2x Expert Belt 2x Plus Power 2x...