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  1. Chuck Norris

    Meatless Monday

    Look guys, you're overreacting look at the fine print. It says restraunts only. You can still buy some at the store. And furthermore, it says they are trying to. I'm trying to make millions doing nothing, does that mean I actually will? I live in Mass. and this is the first time I've ever...
  2. Chuck Norris

    Pokemon vs. Digimon

    I think, in terms of just the anime, Digimon is better. At least, in terms of the original japanese versions. (I've never seen english, nor do I ever intend to.) But as a franchise in whole, Pokemon is far dominant.
  3. Chuck Norris

    Are We Alone?

    Is there life out there? Probably yeah. Will we meet any? Prolly not.
  4. Chuck Norris

    Second Language?

    learning italian at school, i'm alright at it.... I speak Japanese.
  5. Chuck Norris

    Pokemon Embarrased to play pokemon?

    My Goodness people I don't see what the big deal is about its just pokemon it's not like your friendship will instantly end if they find out. Like I said I'm the coolest kid I know and everyone who knows me knows I like Pokemon.
  6. Chuck Norris

    Mods please put your lockage power on this.

    RE: Riddles Are all persons of the same nationality? Is the time period this is taking place in the current time period? Are any of the persons someone well-known?
  7. Chuck Norris

    Mods please put your lockage power on this.

    RE: Riddles Did Person C know Person A prior to receiving said box?
  8. Chuck Norris

    Any tips for learning Japanese?

    これはスパルタだ!!!!!! Also, while subbed anime is maybe the worst way ever to learn, reading some japanese-language manga (Once you've mastered things like grammar and Hiragana and Katakana, don't worry about kanji because most have furigana) can help expand your vocabulary and teach you how to speak...
  9. Chuck Norris

    Any tips for learning Japanese?

    I like Rosetta Stone, you might have to save up, but it's by far the best. My Japanese Coach is fun too.
  10. Chuck Norris

    Pokemon Pokemon or Pokeymanz???

    RE: Pokemon or Pokeymanz? Pokeymanz? I've never heard that term in my life!
  11. Chuck Norris

    Shoddy Battle question

    I'm not sure where this goes, so feel free to move it. Anyways, I downloaded Shoddy Battle, everything works fine and stuff...except when I offer to battle someone. If they accept, my computer suddenly shuts off and restarts. Is there anyone who knows about how I can fix this?
  12. Chuck Norris

    Pokemon Embarrased to play pokemon?

    I may just be the most well-known kid in my grade (and maybe even in the grade above me). And if there's one thing that they all know about me, it's that I love Pokemon. There's no shame in it my friends, after all Pokémon is awesome.
  13. Chuck Norris

    2012? What do you think? Is it true?

    I graduate in 2012. So clearly if anything does happen it will directly involve what I choose as a profession. Man, it ain't easy living with that kind of destiny...
  14. Chuck Norris

    Things to ponder #3

    In a world like Pokrmon war would just equal the end of the world. So of course they don't have war.
  15. Chuck Norris

    The MLB is fixed.

    In this current era, would they choose Marlins over Yankees? Because 6 years ago that's what happened, even though the Marlin's have one of the smallest fanbases in baseball.
  16. Chuck Norris

    The MLB is fixed.

    Okay, I respect your opinion and beleifs, but I seriously doubt this. One, how long are thinking the MLB is fixing games? There's no way they could keep it secret for 100+ years. In 1919 The white sox were paid to throw the world series, this was found out in less than a year. Two, there is no...
  17. Chuck Norris

    Pokemon Pokemon Plotholes Discussion Thread

    RE: Pokemon Plotholes! How about how do the nurses get paid and afford all the technology if all their services are free?
  18. Chuck Norris

    Tell The Truth are You a Nerd

    I am by far the Coolest Person in the world. So no.
  19. Chuck Norris

    Amt... What does it stand for? It stands for nothing.

    RE: AMT... What does it really stand for? Always making toast. Obv.