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  1. P

    Saturday, 6/2, Redshark Feedback

    Damn it! I have Windows XP, but when i want to start it, there is only the banner which says "please wait until the list is loaded" and dhe red shark... what can I do? THX for help!
  2. P

    Ruling Latios * and Latias *

    OK thank you!!! ^^ I think so too. It depends on the Deck and the Metagame... but at superswampert... A One Shot Metagross d kill is not too imprortant and not soo special. Sorry.
  3. P

    Ruling Latios * and Latias *

    Thank you... and sorry for the question marks... ^^ Okay but lets say you play a deck with Metagross and Scizor. You wönt have trouble against those cards, excluding fire. Bt you will have trouble against Arcanine ex and Flareon ex. so... I think that Latias * is better. Other Opinions?
  4. P

    Ruling Latios * and Latias *

    I always hear "Oh!!! Latios * is so a good card (in the right Deck). Its much better than Latias * cause it kills EVERY Stage 2!!!" But HERES MY QUESTION!!! What big Stage2 non ex Pokes are in the current Metagame? Banette ex is cilled by Latias, RK9 ex is killed, Flygon ex d is killed, jeah...
  5. P

    Windstorm is an overrated piece of crap.

    I think youre right and wrong. In MetaNite, for example, you REALLY need it sometimes. lets say, he attaches a windstorm durig the first turns, that really nerves. Of course, they wait till you kill their Castform, but I dont think thats a must. In my League, when I play against Raieggs with...
  6. P

    best trade ever?

    My best trade was a Kyogre*, a Gengar ex and a Reverse Holons Electrode for 5 Euro... and some time ago 27 holos for one Mewtwo-POSTER!!!!!!! That was great!!!!!!