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  1. Erathorn Sohn des Siegfrieds

    Does anyone else find Dawn the most annoying female in Pokemon? If not person?

    The only pokémon trainer trio I liked was Ash/Misty/Brock >___> Misty never got a new bike, did she? When is she going to get a new bike?! Anyway, the most annoying characters in the Pokémon animé are Jesse, James and Meowth... Dawn, May and all of the other annoying characters aren't...
  2. Erathorn Sohn des Siegfrieds

    . . . Mörk . . . (Toxicroak G, Skuntank G, Mightyena, Mewtwo) - Masters (Cities)

    I don't really have anything to say except you might need more than one Crobat G. But it looks like a fun deck to play with :3 And I might have something to say about... the name xD I suggest you'd name it something different... maybe "Svart Död" (Black Death) or "Avgrundsmörker" (Abyssal...