Search results

  1. Pantofle

    Czech Republic Nationals 2013 results

    Masters: 47 Seniors: 18 Juniors: 20
  2. Pantofle

    Czech Republic Nationals 2013 results

    Masters: 1. Petr Janous (Blastoise/Keldeo/Mewtwo w/ Exeggcute) 2. Marek Rehacek (TDK w/ double Keldeo) 3. Martin Janous (Gothitelle/Accelgor) 4. Jaromir Kunz (TDK) 5. Michal Wojatschke (Hammertime) 6. Martin Kaninsky (Gothitelle/Accelgor) 7. Ondrej Hus (TDK) 8. Tomas Just (TDK w/ Keldeo...
  3. Pantofle

    Ruling Magnezone DP-P #93

    But that's just a speculation. I need exact translation.
  4. Pantofle

    Ruling Magnezone DP-P #93

    Does anybody know translation of this card ?
  5. Pantofle

    Ruling Magmortar vs Electivire Deck Kit (jpn)

    I need to know if there is Magmortar Lv.X inside.
  6. Pantofle

    Ruling Several questions

    As for Heatran lv.x translation, I saw this version: Poke-Power: Heat Wave This Power can be used once at the end of your turn, if this Pokemon is on your Bench. If, during your turn, your Active Fire-type or Steel-type Pokemon discarded Basic Energy as a result of its attack, choose up to 2 of...
  7. Pantofle

    Ruling Original Japanese Sleeves

    How did you find them ? What key word did you use ?
  8. Pantofle

    Ruling Original Japanese Sleeves

    Can you give me a link please ?
  9. Pantofle

    Ruling Original Japanese Sleeves

    Hi. I'm from Czech Republic. Can you tell me where I can buy these card sleeves ?
  10. Pantofle

    Ruling Lv.X Pokémon

    No, you can't.
  11. Pantofle

    Ruling Lv.X Pokémon

    Can I use Celio's Network for searching a Lv.X Pokémon ?