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  1. DesStratos


    Hey everyone Been playing about with this idea for a while now and thought with Roads coming up I would post it to get some feedback Thanks in Advance Pokémon: 23 Garchomp C 2-2 Dialga G 1-1 Crobat G 4 Bronzong G 1 Blaziken FB 1-1 Dragonite FB 1 Uxie...
  2. DesStratos

    CoL Lucario and the Lost Zone

    thanks for the advice everyone
  3. DesStratos

    New Player wants a Cheap Deck

    thanks kitty, i was thinking that and he does like umbreon
  4. DesStratos

    CoL Lucario and the Lost Zone

    thanks gliscor. Is there any other good methods
  5. DesStratos

    New Player wants a Cheap Deck

    thanks for moving this gliscor Although thanking is the polite thing to do, it is still spam. Next time please pm them. omahanime
  6. DesStratos

    New Player wants a Cheap Deck

    thanks for that will look in2 them
  7. DesStratos

    CoL Lucario and the Lost Zone

    Hey everyone, With the Call of Legends Lucario getting a power boost from your own Pokemon in the Lost Zone, are there ways (other then Relicanth)?
  8. DesStratos

    New Player wants a Cheap Deck

    Hey everyone My little brother is trying to get into Pokemon, but he doesnt have much money to spend on cards Are there any decent decks that would be good for league and arent too expensive? Any help would be appriciated PS. Mods, sorry if this is in the wrong place, couldnt think...
  9. DesStratos

    TyZard (bad name....working on it!) For Manchester Regionals

    Pokémon: 21 3-3-3 Charizard (AR) 2-2-2 Typhlosion (HGSS) 2-2 Ninetails (CoL) 1-1 Infernape 4 (RR - i think?) Trainers / Supporters / Stadiums: 25 4 Rare Candy 3 Pokémon Communication 2 Expert Belt 1 Luxury Ball 3 Bebe's Search 3 Pokémon Collector 4 Seeker 2 Professer Oak's New...
  10. DesStratos

    Ruling Espeon Prime

    If Espeon Prime uses the attacks of another eeveelution, such as Umbreon's Moonlight Fang, does it get the effect aswell? ---EDIT--- dragonexpert, sorry for not loading up scans, i will include them now. I did however mean, does Espeon Prime get the effect of Moonlight Fang to protect...
  11. DesStratos

    "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Episode 53!

    RE: "Prof. it!":The Ultimate Pokemon TCG Show! Episode 37! subscribed. Great show. Got me back in to the game =)
  12. DesStratos

    Eevee Prime

    oh yeah just saw that, working on it now, thanks BurstPikachu99[hr] -1x Espeon Prime (HS-U) -1x Espeon (HS-U) -1x Bebe's Search (P-RR) -2x Professor Elm's Training Method (CoL) +2x Sableye (DP-S) +1x Broken Time-Space (P) +1x Pokémon Collector (HS) +1x Warp Energy
  13. DesStratos

    Eevee Prime

    cool, so should i be looking to replace the SSU's with Seekers?
  14. DesStratos

    Eevee Prime

    thanks, im still pretty new to the game, but how would Warp Energy help?
  15. DesStratos

    Eevee Prime

    Pokémon: 18 2x Eevee (P-RR) 2x Eevee (HS-U) 2x Espeon Prime (HS-U) 1x Espeon (DP-MD) 1x Umbreon Prime (HS-U) 2x Umbreon (HS-U) 1x Umbreon (DP-MD) 4x Sableye (DP-S) 2x Uxie (DP-LA) 1x Azelf (DP-LA) Trainers: 16 3x Pokémon Communication (HS) 2x Research Record (CoL) 2x Super Scoop Up (HS-U) 2x...