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    GlisTomb (Regionals)

    Decklist updated based on great input from here. Still playtesting the new lineup. My questions/concerns are in the original post.
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    LuxChomp (States)

    Updated deck that was played at MN states. Went 3 wins and 2 losses in the seniors division. Need some help with making it less clunky. Got beat bad by a great lostgar deck and a close loss to a gyrados deck.
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    GlisTomb (Regionals)

    RE: Gliscor Spiritomb (States) Updated deck and results of MN states. Thanks Yoshidude10, I am looking at your suggestions and will get back on them soon.
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    GlisTomb (Regionals)

    RE: Gliscor Spiritomb (States) Can somebody check that this deck is all legal for states for me to please?
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    LuxChomp (States)

    I made a lot more changes based on this great advice. Put in Ambipom G and he won the first game I played after adding him! Ambipom G is great card for my deck. I will update on here what my deck looks like after league tonight. Thank You
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    GlisTomb (Regionals)

    GlisTomb went 4 wins and 2 losses in Minnesota State Masters 4-2-2 Gligar(LA) - Gliscor(LA) - Gliscor X(LA) 3 Spiritomb(PA) 2-2 Blaziken FB - Blaziken FB X 2 Uxie(LA) 1 Azelf(LA) 4 Unown Q 22 Pokemon 4 Pokemon Communicatioin 3 Super Scoop Up 2 Professor Oak's New Theory 1 Luxury...
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    LuxChomp (States)

    2-2 Garchomp C - Garchomp C X (SV) 1 Dragonite FB (SV) 1 Bronzong G (P) 1 Crobat G (P) 1 Chatot G (SV) 2-2 Luxray GL - Luxray GL X (RR) 1-1 Staraptor FB - Staraptor FB X (SV) 1-1 Uxie (LA) - Uxie X (LA) 1 Azelf (LA) 1 Lucario GL (RR) 1 Ambipom G (RR) 20 Pokemon 3 Pokemon...
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    Ruling Uxie Promo

    I have Uxie that I think is a promo card (it has the pokeball holo behind the text on the bottom half of card). It still is numbered 43/146 with the same set symbol.. Is this legal for tournament play?
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    Ruling Spiritomb Question

    Does Keystone Seal on Spiritomb stop stadiums, tools, and supporters? So, I guess, what is a 'trainer'?